首页 > 解决方案 > LSTM 平稳时间序列预测不稳定模型


我是 Tensorflow 2 的初学者,我正在尝试进行多时间序列预测,以使用 10 个时间步长的向量(接下来的 10 天,最后一个密集层 = 10)来预测铜(LME)的价格。我的预测结果不是很好,所以我读到通过使数据静止,模型效率更好。我修改了我的程序如下:

-Time serie stationary 
-2 Bidirectional layers(LSTM) of 20 neurons with 10 neurons in the output layer 
-SELU activation
-initialization lecun_normal
-lr : 0.0005
-batch normalization
-lookback : 45 + Batch_size :8 + mse + seed constant 4000
-Validation split: 0.05 + Dropout :0.01


- There is no correlation between the minimum loss and the prediction quality
- The result is totally variable with the modification of the seed value
- With a training with a larger number of epochs, the prediction curves flatten
- The smallest val_loss does not generate the best prediction
- Val_Acc does not exceed 0.14
- During training the loss slowly decreases but the val_acc does not increase.
- Often the best results are for less than 5 epochs of learning 
- Loss and val_loss decrease but val_accurate does not increase
- The model prediction is very sensitive to the parameters. You can compare the two predictions of `enter code here`the same model in dotted red over 10 days with Dropout=0.01 and Dropout 0.02: they are opposite.

Do you have an idea to improve my model?

DROPOUT : 0.01  上升预测 在此处输入图像描述 DROPOUT : 0.02  自上而下预测 在此处输入图像描述

标签: tensorflowtime-serieslstmprediction

