首页 > 解决方案 > 将我的热图连接到将提取并显示特定数据的 sql 数据库


我创建了一个热图。我目前可以将鼠标悬停在某个状态上,以查看该状态将颜色变为黄色,让您知道悬停在哪个状态上,并在弹出窗口中查看硬编码到该状态的值。当前状态是不同深浅的蓝色,具体取决于我硬编码的值,并且值越小越亮,值越高越暗。我现在需要做的是使用数据库中的疫苗总数设置状态值,并在弹出窗口中显示该数字,并在左侧相应行旁边显示单独的疫苗数量页。例如,如果我将鼠标悬停在亚利桑那州,弹出窗口将显示亚利桑那州的疫苗总数以及疫苗 1、2、3、4 的数量,和 5 已给出,该数字显示在已显示的相应行旁边。我在热图屏幕截图上用红色 x 标记了这些位置。该数据库是 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 中的 SQL 数据库。我还包括了一个数据库的屏幕截图,以显示表和列的名称。数据库中只有 5 种疫苗,并标有 ID 编号 1 - 5。它们在数据库中由 Vaccine_ID 调用。提前感谢您提供的任何帮助。数据库中只有 5 种疫苗,并标有 ID 编号 1 - 5。它们在数据库中由 Vaccine_ID 调用。提前感谢您提供的任何帮助。数据库中只有 5 种疫苗,并标有 ID 编号 1 - 5。它们在数据库中由 Vaccine_ID 调用。提前感谢您提供的任何帮助。



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>  Vaccine Status / Heat Map  </title>        
    <h1> Vaccine Status / Heat Map </h1>
      color:rgb(19, 38, 175);
<h2> Total Vaccine 1 Doses Administered: </h2>
  color:rgb(53, 16, 218);
<h3> Total Vaccine 2 Doses Administered: </h3>
  color:rgb(53, 16, 218);
<h3> Total Vaccine 3 Doses Administered: </h3>
  color:rgb(53, 16, 218);
<h3> Total Vaccine 4 Doses Administered: </h3>
  color:rgb(53, 16, 218);
<h3> Total Vaccine 5 Doses Administered: </h3>
  color:rgb(53, 16, 218);
    <!-- Styles -->
    #chartdiv {
      width: 100%;
      height: 500px
    <!-- Resources -->
    <script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/4/core.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/4/maps.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/4/geodata/usaLow.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/4/themes/animated.js"></script>    
    <!-- Chart code -->
    am4core.ready(function() {    
    // Themes begin
    // Themes end    
     // Create map instance
    var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4maps.MapChart);    
    // Set map definition
    chart.geodata = am4geodata_usaLow;    
    // Set projection
    chart.projection = new am4maps.projections.AlbersUsa();    
    // Create map polygon series
    var polygonSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapPolygonSeries());    
    //Set min/max fill color for each area
      property: "fill",
      target: polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template,
      min: chart.colors.getIndex(1).brighten(1),
      max: chart.colors.getIndex(1).brighten(-0.3)
    // Make map load polygon data (state shapes and names) from GeoJSON
    polygonSeries.useGeodata = true;    
    // Set heatmap values for each state
    polygonSeries.data = [
        id: "US-AL",
        value: 4447100
        id: "US-AK",
        value: 626932
        id: "US-AZ",
        value: 5130632
        id: "US-AR",
        value: 2673400
        id: "US-CA",
        value: 33871648
        id: "US-CO",
        value: 4301261
        id: "US-CT",
        value: 3405565
        id: "US-DE",
        value: 783600
        id: "US-FL",
        value: 15982378
        id: "US-GA",
        value: 8186453
        id: "US-HI",
        value: 1211537
        id: "US-ID",
        value: 1293953
        id: "US-IL",
        value: 12419293
        id: "US-IN",
        value: 6080485
        id: "US-IA",
        value: 2926324
        id: "US-KS",
        value: 2688418
        id: "US-KY",
        value: 4041769
        id: "US-LA",
        value: 4468976
        id: "US-ME",
        value: 1274923
        id: "US-MD",
        value: 5296486
        id: "US-MA",
        value: 6349097
        id: "US-MI",
        value: 9938444
        id: "US-MN",
        value: 4919479
        id: "US-MS",
        value: 2844658
        id: "US-MO",
        value: 5595211
        id: "US-MT",
        value: 902195
        id: "US-NE",
        value: 1711263
        id: "US-NV",
        value: 1998257
        id: "US-NH",
        value: 1235786
        id: "US-NJ",
        value: 8414350
        id: "US-NM",
        value: 1819046
        id: "US-NY",
        value: 18976457
        id: "US-NC",
        value: 8049313
        id: "US-ND",
        value: 642200
        id: "US-OH",
        value: 11353140
        id: "US-OK",
        value: 3450654
        id: "US-OR",
        value: 3421399
        id: "US-PA",
        value: 12281054
        id: "US-RI",
        value: 1048319
        id: "US-SC",
        value: 4012012
        id: "US-SD",
        value: 754844
        id: "US-TN",
        value: 5689283
        id: "US-TX",
        value: 20851820
        id: "US-UT",
        value: 2233169
        id: "US-VT",
        value: 608827
        id: "US-VA",
        value: 7078515
        id: "US-WA",
        value: 5894121
        id: "US-WV",
        value: 1808344
        id: "US-WI",
        value: 5363675
        id: "US-WY",
        value: 493782
    // Set up heat legend
    let heatLegend = chart.createChild(am4maps.HeatLegend);
    heatLegend.series = polygonSeries;
    heatLegend.align = "right";
    heatLegend.valign = "bottom";
    heatLegend.width = am4core.percent(20);
    heatLegend.marginRight = am4core.percent(4);
    heatLegend.minValue = 0;
    heatLegend.maxValue = 400000000;
    // Set up custom heat map legend labels using axis ranges
    var minRange = heatLegend.valueAxis.axisRanges.create();
    minRange.value = heatLegend.minValue;
    minRange.label.text = "Not Vaccinated";
    var maxRange = heatLegend.valueAxis.axisRanges.create();
    maxRange.value = heatLegend.maxValue;
    maxRange.label.text = "Vaccinated";    
    // Blank out internal heat legend value axis labels
    heatLegend.valueAxis.renderer.labels.template.adapter.add("text", function(labelText) {
      return "";
    // Configure series tooltip
    var polygonTemplate = polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template;
    polygonTemplate.tooltipText = "{name}: {value}";
    polygonTemplate.nonScalingStroke = true;
    polygonTemplate.strokeWidth = 0.5;    
    // Create hover state and set alternative fill color
    var hs = polygonTemplate.states.create("hover");
    hs.properties.fill = am4core.color("#FFFF00");    
    }); // end am4core.ready()
    <!-- HTML -->
    <div id="chartdiv"></div>

标签: sqldatabaseheatmap

