首页 > 解决方案 > Azure 媒体服务 - v3 覆盖位置问题



有人可以指出一个涵盖该场景的示例吗?Microsoft 文档和示例对定位叠加层和设置不透明度含糊不清。


 new AMSModels.TransformOutput(
            new AMSModels.StandardEncoderPreset(
                 filters: new AMSModels.Filters
                            Overlays = new List<AMSModels.Overlay>
                                new AMSModels.VideoOverlay()
                                    InputLabel =  "tbvvideooverlay",
                                    Opacity = .5,
                                    Position = new AMSModels.Rectangle(){ Left = "100", Top = "100", Width = "100", Height = "100"} //**I've tried all types of values here including percentages, nothing changes when I reencode the video.**

                codecs: new AMSModels.Codec[]
                    // Add an AAC Audio layer for the audio encoding
                    new AMSModels.AacAudio(
                        channels: 2,
                        samplingRate: 48000,
                        bitrate: 128000,
                        profile: AMSModels.AacAudioProfile.AacLc
                    // Next, add a H264Video for the video encoding
                   new AMSModels.H264Video (
                        // Set the GOP interval to 2 seconds for all H264Layers
                         // Add H264Layers. Assign a label that you can use for the output filename
                        layers:  new AMSModels.H264Layer[]
                            new AMSModels.H264Layer (
                                bitrate: 3600000, // Units are in bits per second and not kbps or Mbps - 3.6 Mbps or 3,600 kbps
                                width: "1280",
                                height: "720",
                                label: "3600" // This label is used to modify the file name in the output formats
                            new AMSModels.H264Layer (
                                bitrate: 1600000, // Units are in bits per second and not kbps or Mbps - 1.6 Mbps or 1600 kbps
                                width: "960",
                                height: "540",
                                label: "1600" // This label is used to modify the file name in the output formats
                            new AMSModels.H264Layer (
                                bitrate: 600000, // Units are in bits per second and not kbps or Mbps - 0.6 Mbps or 600 kbps
                                width: "640",
                                height: "360",
                                label: "600" // This label is used to modify the file name in the output formats
                    // Also generate a set of PNG thumbnails
                    new AMSModels.PngImage(
                        start: "10%",
                        step: "10%",
                        range: "90%",
                        layers: new Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media.Models.PngLayer[]{
                            new AMSModels.PngLayer(
                                width: "100%",
                                height: "100%"
                    new AMSModels.JpgImage(
                        start: "10%",
                        step: "10%",
                        range: "90%",
                        layers: new Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media.Models.JpgLayer[]{
                            new AMSModels.JpgLayer(
                                quality: 100,
                                width: "100%",
                                height: "100%"
                // Specify the format for the output files - one for video+audio, and another for the thumbnails
                formats: new AMSModels.Format[]
                    // Mux the H.264 video and AAC audio into MP4 files, using basename, label, bitrate and extension macros
                    // Note that since you have multiple H264Layers defined above, you have to use a macro that produces unique names per H264Layer
                    // Either {Label} or {Bitrate} should suffice
                    new AMSModels.Mp4Format(
                    new AMSModels.PngFormat(

                      new AMSModels.JpgFormat(
            onError: AMSModels.OnErrorType.StopProcessingJob,
            relativePriority: AMSModels.Priority.Normal

            string description = "A simple custom encoding transform with 2 MP4 bitrates";
            // Create the custom Transform with the outputs defined above
            transform = await client.Transforms.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, transformName, outputs, description);


标签: azure-media-services



现在是坏消息,现在我们将不得不考虑修复它并将修复程序重新部署到生产环境中。这对我们来说可能需要一些时间,所以如果您需要一个快速的解决方案,我唯一可以建议的是使用较旧的 v2 API(是的,我们宣布弃用的那个)来解决这个问题,直到我们可以将代码修复到生产中。

如果适合您,这是在 v2 中执行此操作的旧方法 - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/previous/media-services-advanced-encoding-with-mes#覆盖
