首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 Sagepay Opayo 修复 OpenSSL 错误


Opayo 更改了导致错误的 Live SSL 环境 -

SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed; Try to connect to: https://live.sagepay.com:443/gateway/service/vspdirect-register.vsp


24 March 2021 - 15:57
Our development teams have updated our security certificates in our Live environment.

Some vendors may experience SSL certificate issues related to this, this will require you to ‘pull’ the latest root certificate in order to resolve this.

You can access our site (https://live.sagepay.com/mysagepay/login.msp) in a browser and pull the latest root certificate down for this.

Apologies for any disruption this may have caused.

没有关于要拉哪个证书,或者拉完之后如何处理的信息!他们的登录页面有 3 个证书,都带有证书和链。

我应该下载哪个 SSL 以及在拉取它之后如何处理它?

标签: opensslopayo




如果您的服务器的根证书是最新的并且问题仍然存在,这意味着尝试建立连接的软件(例如 cURL 或 PHP)无法访问具有相关受信任证书的文件夹或文件。同样,您的托管服务提供商或 Web 开发人员应该能够诊断出这一点。

您在信任库中需要的证书是 "Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2" Fingerprint SHA256: 43df5774b03e7fef5fe40d931a7bedf1bb2e6b42738c4e6d3841103d3aa7f339 Pin SHA256: du6FkDdMcVQ3u8prumAo6t3i3G27uMP2EOhR8R0at 证书分析

始终建议使用具有最新根证书的有效信任存储,以确保您的应用程序可以与网站和 API 安全通信。
