首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Python3 和 PyQt5 中正确地将整数变量从一个函数传递到另一个函数?


编辑 我已经将下面的代码更新为我认为正确的代码,但是我仍然没有得到所需的输出,我还包括了如何在我的 mainWindow 类中调用这两个函数......

我在我的 GUI 程序中的两个函数之间传递整数时遇到问题,如下所示。我正在使用 Python3.7 和 pyqt5。

     def capture_duration(self, item):#recieves file list item from file_list
        fn = item.text() #extract text data of file, ie file name
        url = qtc.QUrl.fromLocalFile(self.video_dir.filePath(fn)) #get URL of file
        print(url) #unforunately PyQt5 doesn't give a clean file path to hand to openCV
        url = url.toString() #convert 'URL' to string
        url.strip("PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl('/") #strip string of everything before the C.
        print(url) #print for testing only
        data = cv2.VideoCapture(url) #start video capture with openCV
        frames = data.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) #get number of frames of video
        fps = int(data.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) #get fps of video
        duration = int(frames/fps) #compute frames/fps for total duration in seconds
        print("Duration of video is:", duration) #print for test purposes only.
        return duration

    def imgacq(self, duration):#FPS of camera averages 54FPS
        print('Duration is', duration)
        num_frames = (duration*54) #duration of video in seconds multiplied by recording frame rate of camera.
        with Camera() as cam:
            if 'Bayer' in cam.PixelFormat:
                cam.PixelFormat = 'RGB8'

        cam.OffsetX = 0
        cam.OffsetY = 0
        cam.Width = cam.SensorWidth
        cam.Height = cam.SensorHeight

        self.statusBar().showMessage('Opened camera %s (#%s), now recording...' % (cam.DeviceModelName, cam.DeviceSerialNumber))
        start = time.time()

        imgs = [cam.get_array() for n in range(num_frames)] #num frames must = number of frames in selected video.

        el = time.time() - start

        print('Acquired %d images in %.2f s (~ %.1f fps)' % (len(imgs), el, len(imgs) / el))

        # Make a directory to save some images
        output_dir = 'test_images'
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

        print('Saving to "%s"' % output_dir)

        # Save them
        for n, img in enumerate(imgs):
            Image.fromarray(img).save(os.path.join(output_dir, '%08d.jpg' % n))

这两个函数在我的 mainWindow 类中调用如下,在capture_duration文件查看器中单击视频文件时imgacq开始,单击工具栏上的播放按钮时开始:


当我运行时,这个“持续时间”被正确打印为“capture_duration”中的整数,但是当传递给“imgacq”时,它被打印为False而不是特定的整数值。我对这段代码的逻辑是capture_duration从 mainWindow 类继承一些信息,进行计算并返回durationimgacq然后继承duration并相应地使用它,但它显然不是那样工作的。


标签: pythonpython-3.xqtpyqtpyqt5


打印 False的原因imagecq是因为信号play_action.triggered发出了checked动作的状态(即 False)。然后将其分配给imagecq:的输入参数duration

另一个问题是 Qt 小部件会忽略插槽生成的任何输出,因此capture_duration当触发插槽时,返回的值将丢失。解决此问题的一种选择是将 的值分配给duration非局部变量,例如实例变量,而不是(或除此之外)返回它。因此,在您的情况下,您可以执行以下操作:

def capture_duration(self, item):#recieves file list item from file_list
    self.duration = duration
    return duration   # this return value will be ignored if capture_duration is used as a slot so could be omitted


# Note: input parameter has been omitted. instance variable is used instead
def imgacq(self):   
    duration = self.duration

