首页 > 解决方案 > 补充房间中的记录列


总的来说,我对 Android Room 和 SQLite 还很陌生,如果这是一个简单的问题,我很抱歉。

我从要插入数据库的 API 获取数据,以便在设备离线时可以访问它。

根据 API 的端点,我的 Data 对象的某些字段可能为空(考虑仅包含基本字段的摘要与包含所有字段的完全详细的对象)



@Entity(tableName = "person", indices = {
        @Index(value = "id", unique = true)
public class Person {
    public int id;

    public String name;

    public String description;


// create db
RoomDB db = RoomDB.create(ctx);

// create some sample objects
final Person p2 = new Person(2, "Peter", null);

// insert them into the db

// create a updated peter that likes spiders
// but has no name (as a example)
final Person newPeter = new Person(2, null, "Peter likes spiders");

// and update him

// now we read him back
final Person peter = db.personDao().getById(2);    


id = 2
name = "Peter"
description = "Peter likes spiders"

但是,使用 Room 的 @Update 或 @Insert 我只能得到这个:

id = 2
name = null
description = "Peter likes spiders"


public void updateNonNull(Person newPerson) {
    final Person oldPerson = getById(newPerson.id);
    if (oldPerson == null) {
    if (newPerson.name == null)
        newPerson.name = oldPerson.name;

    if (newPerson.description == null)
        newPerson.description = oldPerson.description;




在@Priyansh Kedia 对 SQL 进行了一些测试后,我发现这些函数确实按预期工作,并且性能比 java 更高。

但是,由于 SQL 语句需要我编写大量查询,所以我决定使用基于反射的解决方案,如下所示。我这样做只是因为没有定期调用该函数,因此较低的性能不会太重要。

     * merge two objects fields using reflection.
     * replaces null value fields in newObj with the value of that field in oldObj
     * <p>
     * assuming the following values:
     * oldObj: {name: null, desc: "bar"}
     * newObj: {name: "foo", desc: null}
     * <p>
     * results in the "sum" of both objects: {name: "foo", desc: "bar"}
     * @param type   the type of the two objects to merge
     * @param oldObj the old object
     * @param newObj the new object. after the function, this is the merged object
     * @param <T>    the type
     * @implNote This function uses reflection, and thus is quite slow.
     * The fastest way of doing this would be to use SQLs' ifnull or coalesce (about 35% faster), but that would involve manually writing a expression for EVERY field.
     * That is a lot of extra code which i'm not willing to write...
     * Besides, as long as this function isn't called too often, it doesn't really matter anyway
    public static <T> void merge(@NonNull Class<T> type, @NonNull T oldObj, @NonNull T newObj) {
        // loop through each field that is accessible in the target type
        for (Field f : type.getFields()) {
            // get field modifiers
            final int mod = f.getModifiers();

            // check this field is not status and not final
            if (!Modifier.isStatic(mod)
                    && !Modifier.isFinal(mod)) {
                // try to merge
                // get values of both the old and new object
                // if the new object has a null value, set the value of the new object to that of the old object
                // otherwise, keep the new value
                try {
                    final Object oldVal = f.get(oldObj);
                    final Object newVal = f.get(newObj);

                    if (newVal == null)
                        f.set(newObj, oldVal);
                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    Log.e("Tenshi", "IllegalAccess in merge: " + e.toString());

标签: androidandroid-room




@Query("UPDATE person SET name = (CASE WHEN :name IS NOT NULL THEN :name ELSE name END), description = (CASE WHEN :description IS NOT NULL THEN :description ELSE description END) WHERE id = :id")
Person update(id: Int, name: String, description: String)

我们为 SQL 编写了更新查询,它检查插入的值是否为空,如果它们为空,则保留以前的值。
