首页 > 解决方案 > Firefox/Chrome 在 2000 毫秒内没有被杀死,发送 SIGKILL


在我的本地 angular(v10) 项目中运行ng test后,所有测试用例都成功执行,浏览器也正在启动,我可以看到绿点,但最后一刻浏览器被杀死,并在我的以下警告命令提示符



module.exports = function (config) {
    basePath: '',
    frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'],
    plugins: [
    client: {
      clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
    coverageIstanbulReporter: {
      dir: require('path').join(__dirname, './coverage'),
      reports: [ 'html', 'lcovonly', 'text-summary' ],
      fixWebpackSourcePaths: true
    sonarQubeUnitReporter: {
      sonarQubeVersion: 'LATEST',
      outputFile: 'reports/ut_report.xml',
      overrideTestDescription: true,
      testPaths: ['./ng-app'],
      testFilePattern: '.spec.ts',
      useBrowserName: false
    junitReporter: {
      outputDir: 'angular_junit_reporter', // results will be saved as $outputDir/$browserName.xml
      outputFile: 'karma_unit_test', // if included, results will be saved as $outputDir/$browserName/$outputFile
      suite: '', // suite will become the package name attribute in xml testsuite element
      useBrowserName: true, // add browser name to report and classes names
      nameFormatter: undefined, // function (browser, result) to customize the name attribute in xml testcase element
      classNameFormatter: undefined, // function (browser, result) to customize the classname attribute in xml testcase element
      properties: {}, // key value pair of properties to add to the <properties> section of the report
      xmlVersion: null // use '1' if reporting to be per SonarQube 6.2 XML format
    angularCli: {
      environment: 'dev',
      codeCoverage: true
    reporters: config.angularCli && config.angularCli.codeCoverage
                ? ['progress', 'coverage-istanbul']
                : ['progress', 'kjhtml', 'sonarqubeUnit', 'junit'],
    port: 9876,
    colors: true,
    logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
    autoWatch: false,
    browsers: ['Firefox'],
    singleRun: true,
    restartOnFileChange: false,
    captureTimeout: 210000,
    browserDisconnectTolerance: 3,
    browserDisconnectTimeout : 210000,
    browserNoActivityTimeout : 210000


标签: angularkarma-jasmineangular10angular-unit-test


将您的值更改为:- autoWatch:true,singleRun:false,

可选更改,可能需要也可能不需要 restartOnFileChange: true

删除冒号前的空格:- browserDisconnectTimeout: 210000, browserNoActivityTimeout: 210000
