首页 > 解决方案 > ansible failed_when 字符串包含“fail”或“error”或“fault”不区分大小写


目前我正在使用failed_when: "'failed' in result|lower or 'error' in result|lower or 'fault' in result|lower"捕获 ansible 任务的失败情况。编写此条件检查failed/error/fault返回的win_shell命令返回的状态字符串中是否有任何条件的最佳方法是什么?

标签: regexansiblejinja2powershell-4.0


编写此条件检查failed/error/fault返回的 win_shell 命令中是否有任何返回状态字符串的最佳方法是什么?

第一件事:编写正确的 yaml。您最初的问题是简单的语法:

# This a yaml key containing a simple value
a_key: a value

# This is the same value but the string is optionally quoted
other_key: "a value"

# But if you use quotes the string stops at the closing quote
# so the below will fire a parsing error
error_key: "a quoted string" and some garbage chars

# In this case you need disambiguation using other quotes,
# escaping, scalar blocks....
corrected_key1: '"a quoted string" and some garbage chars'
corrected_key2: "\"a quoted string\" and some garbage chars"
corrected_key3: >
  "a quoted string" and some garbage chars
# non exhaustive list


failed_when: '"failed" in result|lower or "error" in result|lower or "fault" in result|lower'


failed_when: result is regex('^.*(failed|error|fault).*$', ignorecase=true)

