首页 > 解决方案 > 图像位置推出元素









但是当我检查我的元素时,我可以看到它把我的 div 推到了左边。





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  <title>Frontend Mentor | Typemaster pre-launch landing page</title>

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    <button class="pre-order">pre-order now</button>
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    <div class="info__section">
      <h1 class="main__title">Typemaster keyboard</h1>
      <p class="main__info">Improve your productivity and gaming without breaking the bank. Upgrade to a high quality
        mechanical typing experience.</p>
      <div class="date__info">
        <button class="pre-order__org">Pre-order now</button>
        <p class="release__date">Release on 5/27</p>
    <img class="keyboard__img" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/0GVAu.jpg" alt="keyboard">



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标签: htmlcsspositionelement

