首页 > 解决方案 > 找不到我的程序无法正常执行的解决方案


编程新手,我几乎尝试了所有方法来让我的程序运行,但无法弄清楚。这是我的 Into to Programming 课程,所以我将发布它的说明以及上下文目的。

我知道我的程序运行正常,直到第 62 行的右括号。我遇到的主要问题是在那之后,我调用函数sharedLetters。对于上下文,我尝试了多种方法来尝试修复函数定义,所以在这一点上它有点混乱,但一开始是错误的,所以就是这样。至于代码的其余部分,我不完全确定它的编写是否正确,因为我无法超越被调用的函数。



使用中间数据结构是简化编码的一种方法。您创建一个数据结构来组织您的输入,以便更容易创建最终输出。您的 CrosswordGenerator 程序将打开一个包含单词列表的文件。要为填字游戏生成做准备,您的代码应实现以下伪代码:

  1. 打开一个名为 wordlist.txt 的文件
  2. 确定文件中的字数 (N)。
  3. 创建一个名为 wordArray[] 的大小的数组;
  4. 将文件中的所有单词读入一个名为 wordArray[N] 的数组中。
  5. 按长度降序对单词数组进行排序
  6. 从数组的开头(最长的单词)开始检查单词
  7. 查找数组中可以与当前单词相交的所有其他单词 如果两个单词共享一个字母,则它们可以相交。

编写一个名为String sharedLetters(String S1, String S2).

实现sharedLetters(S1,S2)将返回一个字符串,其中包含两个参数字符串 S1 和 S2 共享的字母。如果 S1 和 S2 之间没有共享字母,sharedLetters()则应返回空字符串""sharedLetters(S1,S2)应该忽略大小写;大写和小写字母被认为是相等的。

创建一个二维字符串数组,wordsIntersect[N][N] 其中每个维度 N 是 的大小wordArray




将数组的内容写入wordsIntersect逗号分隔值 (CSV) 文本文件,该文件以行优先格式命名wordsIntersect.csv:row,col,value。在下面的示例中,有一个条目wordsIntersect[12][33]包含字符串“tci”。还会有一行wordsIntersect.csv包含12,33,tci - 字母周围没有引号,并且该行在字母“i”之后结束。鉴于wordsIntersect[12][78]will contains""在文件中将有一行包含:12,78,在最后一个逗号之后有一个行尾。


sharedLetters() 输出的示例。

  • SharedLetters(transaction,dictum)返回"tci"
  • SharedLetters(Transaction,kudzu)返回""

if "transaction"is stored in wordArray[12]and "dictum"is stored in wordArray[33]thenwordsIntersect[12][33]将包含"tci".



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
using std::string;

//calling function that will record shared letters between words, to be called later
string sharedLetters(string S1[], string S2[]);

int main ()
    //variables for indexes used in arrays
    int i, compareIndex, count = 0;
    //declaring array and its total size based on total words in file
    const int N = 644;
    string wordArray[N];
    //declaring a 2-D array wordsIntersect, setting size of both dimensions to 'N'
    string wordsIntersect[644][644];
    //declaring file
    ifstream file;
    //opening file
    cout << "Reading data from the file." << endl;
    while (count < N)
        file >> wordArray[count];

    //closing the file
    cout << "Closing the wordlist.txt file now." << endl;

    //sort the array of strings in descending order using SelectionSort
    //going through array of strings, wordArray[]
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        //creating a nested for loop to compare indexes
        for (int compareIndex = i + 1; compareIndex < N; compareIndex++)
            //compare the words at both indexes to determine which one is longer
            if (wordArray[i].length() < wordArray[compareIndex].length())
                //if true, swap the elements using selectionSort
                string longerWord = wordArray[compareIndex];
                //swap indexes i and compareIndex
                wordArray[compareIndex] = wordArray[i];
                wordArray[i] = longerWord;
    //calling sharedLetters function
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for(compareIndex = 0; compareIndex < N; compareIndex++)
            string sharedLetters(wordArray[i], wordArray[compareIndex]);
    string word = string sharedLetters(wordArray[i], wordArray[compareIndex]);
    cout << word << endl;
    //compare every word in wordArray to every other word within the array, using the sharedLetters funtion 
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for (int compareIndex = i + 1; compareIndex < N; compareIndex++)
            //saving a string result within the main function that will equal
            //the return value of the called function in the previous step
            wordsIntersect[i][compareIndex] = sharedLetters(wordArray[i], wordArray[compareIndex]);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for (int compareIndex = i + 1; compareIndex < N; compareIndex++)
            cout << wordArray[i] << "," << wordArray[compareIndex] << " " << wordsIntersect[i][compareIndex] << endl;
    return 0;
    //setting up 2D array wordsIntersect
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for (int compareIndex = 0; compareIndex < N; compareIndex++)
    //writing the data in 2-D array into file wordsIntersect.csv
    cout << "Now opening the file wordsIntersect.csv." << endl;
    ofstream outputFile;
    cout << "Inputting sorted array wordsIntersect within file, now." << endl;
    outputFile << wordsIntersect[i][compareIndex];
    //closing file
    cout << "Data has successfully been entered into the file. The file is now closed." << endl;
    return 0;

//function that will identify common letters between each word
string sharedLetters(string S1[], string S2[])
    //declaring string for sharedLetters
    string sharedletters = "";
    //declaring a string for words with common letters
    string commonLetter = "";
    //nested for loop to compare letters in S1 and S2
    for (int i = 0; i < S1.length(); i++)
        for (int compareIndex = 0; compareIndex < S2.length(); compareIndex++)
            //comparing letters in strings
            if(S1[i] == S2[compareIndex])
                //assigning the letter at index i whenever common is found
                commonLetter = S1[i];
                //adding the value of commonLetter to sharedletters
                sharedletters = commonLetter;
    //return string of sharedletters
    return sharedletters;

标签: c++arraysfunction

