首页 > 解决方案 > v-for 循环中的动态 v-model 复选框


在我的应用程序中,我显示了几个带有循环的表格。我在表格的第一行放了一个 v-model="selectAll",以便能够使用复选框进行“全选”。

但它不能正常工作,因为所有表都有相同的“v-model”。如何使每个表都有自己的 v-model 以使复选框起作用?

这是我的 html 代码:

  <div id="app">
        {{ selectCheck }}
          <div v-for="(dimension, index) in listQuestions" :key="index" >

            <table class="table-questions" >
                    <th><input type="checkbox" @click="select(dimension)" v-model="selectAll" /></th>
                <tbody v-for="(question,i) in dimension.sousDimensions" >
                 <tr v-for="(item, p) in question.questions">
                    <!--some questions "barometre" disabled and checked by default-->
                    <td v-if="item.barometre"><input type="checkbox" checked disabled :id="'choice-' + item.id"/></td>
                    <td v-else ><input type="checkbox" v-model="selectCheck" :value="item.id" :id="'choice-' + item.id" /></td>
                    <td style="width: 60%">{{ question.name }}</td>
                    <td >{{item.item}}</td>

这是我的 javascript 代码:

const columns = [
    key: 'sousdimensions',
    scopedSlots: { customRender: 'name' },
    key: 'item',
    scopedSlots: { customRender: 'item' },

new Vue({
el: "#app",

  methods: {

   select(value) {
      this.selectCheck = [];
      if (!this.selectAll) {
      for (var sousdim of value.sousDimensions)
          for (var item of sousdim.questions)

data: {
        "name": "Dimension 1", 
            "name": "Sous dimension 1.1", 
                    "id": 1, 
                  "item": "Item 1.1.1", 
                  "barometre": false 
                    "id": 2, 
                  "item": "Item 1.1.2", 
                  "barometre": false 
                    "id": 3, 
                  "item": "Item 1.1.3", 
                  "barometre": true,  
            "name": "Sous dimension 1.2", 
                    "id": 4, 
                  "item": "Item 1.2.1", 
                  "barometre": false 
                    "id": 5, 
                  "item": "Item 1.2.2", 
                  "barometre": false 
                    "id": 6, 
                  "item": "Item 1.2.3", 
                  "barometre": true 
            "name": "Sous dimension 1.3", 
                    "id": 7, 
                  "item": "Item 1.3.1", 
                  "barometre": false
                "id": 8, 
                "item": "Item 1.3.2", 
                "barometre": false 
        "name": "Dimension 2", 
            "name": "Sous dimension 2.1", 
                    "id": 9, 
                  "item": "Item 2.1.1", 
                  "barometre": false 
                    "id": 10, 
                  "item": "Item 2.1.2", 
                  "barometre": false 
                    "id": 11, 
                  "item": "Item 2.1.3", 
                  "barometre": false
                    "id": 12, 
                  "item": "Item 2.1.4", 
                  "barometre": true 
            "name": "Sous dimension 2.2", 
                    "id": 13, 
                  "item": "Item 2.2.1",
                  "barometre": false
                  "id": 14,
                  "item": "Item 2.2.2", 
                  "barometre": false
                  "id": 15, 
                  "item": "Item 2.2.3", 
                  "barometre": false 
                  "id": 16, 
                  "item": "Item 2.2.4", 
                  "barometre": true 
      selectCheck: [],
      selectAll: false


这是理解问题的关键:https ://jsfiddle.net/chtouk/7xhn9q3w/21/

所以我认为我应该为每张桌子提供一个独特的 v-model 但我不知道该怎么做......知道吗?

标签: javascriptcheckboxvuejs2

