首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Node.js 中复制这个 PHP 哈希实现?


我正在尝试在最初用 PHP (7.2) 编写的 node.js (LTS latest--14.x) 中重新创建密码哈希实现。我相信我编写的 node.js 实现应该做同样的事情;但是,在循环中第一次通过哈希之后,node.js 的实现会有所不同。我在这里想念什么?

PHP 实现(我无法更改它,因为它是 Web 框架的一部分,并且现有的身份验证依赖于保持不变的散列机制):

$algo = "sha512";
$salt = "someSalt";
$password = 'somePassword';
$count = 32768;

$hash = hash($algo, $salt . $password, TRUE);
// $hash is the same as in the corresponding line in the node.js implementation
do {
  $hash = hash($algo, $hash . $password, TRUE);
  // $hash differs from the node.js implementation after the first pass here... why?
} while (--$count);

Node.js 实现:

const crypto = require('crypto');

const algorithm = 'sha512';
const salt = 'someSalt';
const password = 'somePassword';
let count = 32768;

let hash = crypto
        .update(salt + password)
// hash is the same as in the PHP implementation here
do {
  hash = crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(hash + password).digest('binary');
  // hash differs between the two implementations after the first pass here... why?
} while (--count);

编辑:更新以显示原始 Node.js 实现,其中我没有对传递给的数据进行字符串化update()

标签: javascriptphpnode.jscryptography




const crypto = require('crypto');

const algorithm = 'sha512';
const salt = 'someSalt';
const password = 'somePassword';
let count = 32768;

let hash = crypto
        .update(String(salt) + String(password))
// hash is the same as in the PHP implementation here
do {
  hash = crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(String(hash) + String(password)).digest('hex');
  // hash differs between the two implementations after the first pass here... why?
} while (--count);



$algo = "sha512";
$salt = "someSalt";
$password = 'somePassword';
$count = 32768;

$hash = bin2hex(hash($algo, $salt . $password, TRUE));
// $hash is the same as in the corresponding line in the node.js implementation
do {
  $hash = bin2hex(hash($algo, $hash . $password, TRUE));
  // $hash differs from the node.js implementation after the first pass here... why?
} while (--$count);


用 NODE 的输出证实了我的发现:

node nodeTest.js

PHP 输出:

php test.php
string(128) "df8202221e5cbff38c16a33945efa8dcb44d0e7267cdf1514cefffb3df321f69ad1d9b01cfb6360391f1de4791e26a179fd165248b4b75699cb2d3395c971351"
