首页 > 解决方案 > 在C中反转双向链表


我目前正在尝试反转一个双向链表并在 C 中打印出来。不幸的是,我的代码只打印一个项目,我不知道为什么。我在 Stack Overflow 和在线查看了多种解决方案

基本上,我传递了一个看起来像这样的 txt 文件。

Name 100
John 40


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    typedef struct person{
      char* firstName;  
      char* age;
      struct person* previous; 
      struct person* next; 
    void print(Person*);
    void reverseList(Person*);
    Person* add (Person*, char*, char*);
    void print (Person* list) {
      while(list != NULL) {
        printf("%s %s\n",list->firstName,list->age);
        list = list->next;
    void reverseList (Person* list) {
      Person *current = list;
      Person* last = current;
      while(current != NULL) {
        Person *temp = NULL;
        temp = current->previous; 
        current->previous = current->next;
        current->next = temp;
        last = current;
        current = current->previous;
      list = last;
      while(list != NULL) {
        printf("%s %s\n",list->firstName,list->age);
        list = list->next;
    Person* add (Person *list, char *firstName, char *age) {
      // allocate node
      Person* node = (Person*)malloc(sizeof(Person));
      // if node is empty
      if(node != NULL) {
        node->firstName=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(firstName)+1);
        // insert name
        strcpy(node->firstName, firstName);
        // allocate age & insert
        node->age = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(age)+1);
        strcpy(node->age, age);
        node->next = NULL;
        if(list == NULL) list = node;
        else {
          Person *curr = list;
          Person *pre = NULL;
          while(curr != NULL) {
            if(strcmp(curr->firstName, firstName) > 0) {
              if(pre == NULL) {
                node->next = list;
                list = node;
              } else {
                pre->next = node;
                node->next = curr;
              return list;
            pre = curr;
            curr = curr->next;
          pre->next = node;
        return list;
      return list;
    int main (int argc, char **argv) {
      FILE *in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
      char name[20];
      char num[20];
      Person *list=NULL;
      while(fscanf(in, "%s %s",name, num)==2) {
        list = add(list,name, num);
      printf ("Original List\n***\n");
      print (list);
      printf ("Printing Reversed List\n***\n");
      return 0;


John 10
Mary 5


Mary 5
John 10


标签: cdata-structures




编辑 add()重写以解决原始角落案例的排序错误)

Person *add (Person *list, char *firstName, char *age)
  size_t len;
  Person *node = malloc (sizeof *node),   /* allocate node, use dereference ptr for size */
         *iter = list,
         *prev = NULL;

  if (!node) {                            /* validate EVERY allocation */
    perror ("malloc-node");
    return list;
  node->next = node->previous = NULL;     /* initialize next and previous NULL */

  len = strlen (firstName);                         /* get length of firstName */
  if (!(node->firstName = malloc (len + 1))) {      /* allocate/validate */
    perror ("malloc-node->firstName");
    free (node);                                    /* free node before return */
    return list;
  memcpy (node->firstName, firstName, len + 1);     /* copy firstName to node */

  len = strlen (age);                               /* get length of age */
  if (!(node->age = malloc (len + 1))) {            /* allocate/validate */
    perror ("malloc-node->age");
    free (node->firstName);                         /* free node->firstName, and */
    free (node);                                    /* free node before return */
    return list;
  memcpy (node->age, age, len + 1);                 /* copy age to node */

  if (!list)                              /* if list empty */
    return node;                          /* return node */

  /* iterate until iter->firstName sorts before firstName */
  while (iter && strcmp (firstName, iter->firstName) <= 0) {
    prev = iter;
    iter = iter->next;

  if (!iter) {                            /* if new end node */
    prev->next = node;
    node->previous = prev;
  else {                                  /* insert between nodes */
    node->next = iter->next;
    node->previous = iter;
    if (iter->next)                       /* protect when new next to last */
      iter->next->previous = node;
    iter->next = node;

  /* if new first node, return iter, otherwise return list */
  return strcmp (list->firstName, firstName) >= 0 ? node : list;


void reverseList (Person *list) {

  if (!list) {                  /* validate list not empty */
    puts ("(list empty)");
  while (list->next != NULL)    /* iterte to last node */
    list = list->next;

  while (list) {    /* print in reverse using ->previous pointers */
    printf ("%s %s\n", list->firstName, list->age);
    list = list->previous;


void reverseList (Person **list) {
  Person *current = *list;
  Person *last = current;
  if (!current || !current->next)
  do {
    Person *temp = current->previous; 
    current->previous = current->next;
    current->next = temp;
    last = current;
  } while ((current = current->previous));
  *list = last;

您可以将上述内容称为:reverseList(&list);. 然后你只需print (list);再次调用以反向打印列表......

此外,如果您可以更改原型并将列表指针的地址传递给您的add()函数,您将无需跟踪preand curr,您可以简单地使用当前节点的地址和指向当前节点的指针进行迭代. 请参阅Linus 了解指针


/** delete all nodes in list */
void del_list (Person *list)
    while (list) {
        Person *victim = list;
        list = list->next;
        free (victim->firstName);
        free (victim->age);
        free (victim);




#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct person{
  char* firstName;  
  char* age;
  struct person* previous; 
  struct person* next; 

void print(Person*);

// void reverseList(Person*);

Person* add (Person*, char*, char*);

void print (Person* list) {
  while(list != NULL) {
    printf("%s %s\n",list->firstName,list->age);
    list = list->next;

void prnptrs (Person *list) {
    while (list) {
        printf ("%p  %p  %p\n", (void*)list->previous, (void*)list, (void*)list->next);
        list = list->next;
void reverseList (Person *list) {

  if (!list) {                  /* validate list not empty */
    puts ("(list empty)");
  while (list->next != NULL)    /* iterte to last node */
    list = list->next;

  while (list) {    /* print in reverse using ->previous pointers */
    printf ("%s %s\n", list->firstName, list->age);
    list = list->previous;
void reverseList (Person **list) {
  Person *current = *list;
  Person *last = current;
  if (!current || !current->next)
  do {
    Person *temp = current->previous; 
    current->previous = current->next;
    current->next = temp;
    last = current;
  } while ((current = current->previous));
  *list = last;

Person *add (Person *list, char *firstName, char *age)
  size_t len;
  Person *node = malloc (sizeof *node),   /* allocate node, use dereference ptr for size */
         *iter = list,
         *prev = NULL;

  if (!node) {                            /* validate EVERY allocation */
    perror ("malloc-node");
    return list;
  node->next = node->previous = NULL;     /* initialize next and previous NULL */

  len = strlen (firstName);                         /* get length of firstName */
  if (!(node->firstName = malloc (len + 1))) {      /* allocate/validate */
    perror ("malloc-node->firstName");
    free (node);                                    /* free node before return */
    return list;
  memcpy (node->firstName, firstName, len + 1);     /* copy firstName to node */

  len = strlen (age);                               /* get length of age */
  if (!(node->age = malloc (len + 1))) {            /* allocate/validate */
    perror ("malloc-node->age");
    free (node->firstName);                         /* free node->firstName, and */
    free (node);                                    /* free node before return */
    return list;
  memcpy (node->age, age, len + 1);                 /* copy age to node */

  if (!list)                              /* if list empty */
    return node;                          /* return node */

  /* iterate until iter->firstName sorts before firstName */
  while (iter && strcmp (firstName, iter->firstName) <= 0) {
    prev = iter;
    iter = iter->next;

  if (!iter) {                            /* if new end node */
    prev->next = node;
    node->previous = prev;
  else {                                  /* insert between nodes */
    node->next = iter->next;
    node->previous = iter;
    if (iter->next)                       /* protect when new next to last */
      iter->next->previous = node;
    iter->next = node;

  /* if new first node, return iter, otherwise return list */
  return strcmp (list->firstName, firstName) >= 0 ? node : list;

/** delete all nodes in list */
void del_list (Person *list)
    while (list) {
        Person *victim = list;
        list = list->next;
        free (victim->firstName);
        free (victim->age);
        free (victim);

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  FILE *in = argc > 1 ? fopen(argv[1], "r") : stdin;
  char name[20];
  char num[20];
  Person *list=NULL;
  while(fscanf(in, "%s %s",name, num)==2) {
    list = add(list,name, num);
  fclose (in);

  printf ("Original List\n***\n");
  print (list);
  puts ("\nPointers\n***");
  prnptrs (list);
  printf ("\nPrinting Reversed List\n***\n");
  print (list);
  del_list (list);
  return 0;

(1) 反向打印列表和 (2) 实际反转列表的两个版本都有条件地包含在PASSPTR2PTR. 如果未定义,它将简单地传递一个指向列表的指针,反向打印列表,如果PASSPTR2PTR已定义,它将传递列表指针的地址并执行实际的列表反转。

您在 pastebin 上发布的测试数据文件是:

$ cat dat/ypzgttvk.txt
John 12345
Sam 54321
Lion 43222


$ ./bin/lld_reverse_add dat/ypzgttvk.txt
Original List
John 12345
Lion 43222
Sam 54321

(nil)  0xb014a0  0xb01580
0xb014a0  0xb01580  0xb01510
0xb01580  0xb01510  (nil)

Printing Reversed List
Sam 54321
Lion 43222
John 12345

其中显示了原始列表,列表previous current next中每个节点的所有节点的地址,最后将列表的输出反转。

