首页 > 解决方案 > GraphQL 类型在由 Relay 编译时在 Typescript 中被定义为未知


我是使用 Typescript 的新手,发现从 GraphQL 模式和通过 Relay 生成的类型处理类型的方式不匹配。


# in schema.graphql
columns and relationships of "businesses"
type businesses implements Node {
  businessId: bigint!
  name: String!
// in __generated__/Business_business.graphql
export type Business_business = {
    readonly name: string;
    readonly businessId: unknown;
    readonly " $refType": "Business_business";
export type Business_business$data = Business_business;
export type Business_business$key = {
    readonly " $data"?: Business_business$data;
    readonly " $fragmentRefs": FragmentRefs<"Business_business">;
const BusinessFragment = graphql`
  fragment Business_business on businesses {

type Props = {
  fragmentRef: Business_business$key

const Business = ({ fragmentRef }: Props) => {
  const business = useFragment(BusinessFragment, fragmentRef)
  return (
      <p>my html!</>
      {/* I get the error: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'number' for businessId */}
      <ChildComponent businessId={business.businessId} />

interface Props {
  businessId: number

const ChildComponent = ({ businessId }: Props) => {

  return (
    <p>my business id: {businessId}</p>

我需要做其他配置才能让 Relay 了解 Hasura 类型吗?我通过中继文档遵循了这个例子。

我假设 Relay 没有编译bigintnumber.


我已将 Hasura 中的列类型从bigintto更改为Int,这解决了问题。有没有办法告诉 Relay 如何匹配它不熟悉的类型?bigint在这种情况下,投到number完全没问题。

标签: reactjstypescriptgraphqlrelayjshasura


回答您的更新:您可以customScalarsrelay.config.js. 我也在使用 Hasura,这就是我设置的:

module.exports = {
  // ... your other configs
  customScalars: {
    uuid: 'string',
    int8: 'string',
    bigint: 'string',
    numeric: 'number',
    varbit: 'string',
    bit: 'string',
    char: 'string',
    varchar: 'string',
    bool: 'boolean',
    int: 'number',
    int4: 'number',
    float8: 'number',
    timestamptz: 'string',
    timetz: 'string',
    jsonb: 'Record<string, unknown>',
    _text: 'string',
    date: 'string',
