首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 C++ 中查找图像中的主色和每个簇的百分比?




cv::Matsource_img=cv::imread("detect.bmp",1); // Read image from path

// Serialize, float
cv::Mat data = source_img.reshape(1, source_img.total());
data.convertTo(data, CV_32F);
// Perform k-Means
int k = 10;
std::vector<int> labels;
cv::Mat3f centers;
cv::kmeans(data, k, labels, cv::TermCriteria(), 1, cv::KMEANS_PP_CENTERS,   centers);

// Make a poster! (Clustering)
for (int i = 0; i < (int)labels.size(); ++i) {
    data.at<float>(i, 0) = centers.at<float>(labels[i], 0);
    data.at<float>(i, 1) = centers.at<float>(labels[i], 1);
    data.at<float>(i, 2) = centers.at<float>(labels[i], 2);
   // qDebug()<<labels.size();
// Un-Serialize, un-float
cv::Mat destination = data.reshape(3, source_img.rows);
destination.convertTo(source_img, CV_8UC3);
std::sort(centers.begin(), centers.end(),
        [](const cv::Vec3f &a, const cv::Vec3f &b) -> bool
        { return a[0] + a[1] + a[2] > b[0] + b[1] + b[2]; }
// Paint!
QLabel *palette[6] = {ui->b_1, ui->b_2, ui->b_3, ui->b_4, ui->b_5, ui->b_6};
const int p = 0; // Offset
for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
    // Set back color of label. Lazy ass way to show the colors
    std::stringstream back_clr;
    back_clr << centers.at<float>(i + p, 2) << "," << centers.at<float>(i + p, 1) << "," << centers.at<float>(i + p, 0);
    palette[i]->setStyleSheet(QString::fromStdString("background-color:rgb(" + back_clr.str() + ");"));
    qInfo()<< QString::fromStdString(back_clr.str() );


Screenshot from 2021-04-09 16-51-30.png



[238.59435545 229.23386034 205.94674433] 29.34%
[213.67154468 204.84374578 180.77144429] 21.07%
[198.76836914 110.87256368 46.76773957] 7.76%
[39.94140346 42.37245936 36.42510903] 7.68%
[216.17736047 190.52489076 84.93423309] 7.36%
[ 83.247557 108.82634188 70.66370203] 7.15%
[82.05183941 60.05586475 55.07991179] 5.87%
[218.7735931 132.99684942 105.99257623] 5.62%
[ 41.73549837 87.24996989 139.9000843 ] 5.07%
[132.72742222 139.51450372 113.63158587] 3.09%

标签: c++


您想计算每个标签在 中出现的频率labels,即标签在 中出现的频率为029.34% labels。这只是一个std::count除以labels.size()
