首页 > 解决方案 > 什么是用于删除特定版本的 SharePoint 文档的 REST API 端点


我正在尝试按 ID 删除特定版本的 SharePoint 文档。我已经使用以下代码通过 REST 调用检索了所有 SharePoint 文档版本。

      let URL : string = `${this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl}/_api/Web/lists/getById('${listId}')/items(${documentId.Id})/versions`;
        return response.json();
        return json.value;

我应该调用哪个端点按版本 ID 删除特定版本?

标签: sharepoint-onlinerestspfx





function DeleteFileVersionByVersionLabel() {
    var WebServerRelativeUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl;
    // Provide Internal name of the library here
    var DocuentLibraryInternalName = "Document%20Library";
    // Provide name of the document
    var DocumentName = "test doc.docx";
    var ServerRelativeUrlofFile = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl('" + WebServerRelativeUrl + "/" + DocuentLibraryInternalName + "/" + DocumentName + "')"
            // _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl - will give absolute URL of the site where you are running the code.
            // You can replace this with other site URL where you want to apply the function
            // NOTE: Version Label is nothing but the version number you see in the Version History
            url: ServerRelativeUrlofFile + "/versions/DeleteByLabel('4.5')",
            type: "POST",
            // Accept header: Specifies the format for response data from the server.
            "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
            //Content-Type header: Specifies the format of the data that the client is sending to the server
            "Content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
            // IF-MATCH header: Provides a way to verify that the object being changed has not been changed since it was last retrieved.
            // "IF-MATCH":"*", will overwrite any modification in the object, since it was last retrieved.
            "IF-MATCH": "*",
            //X-HTTP-Method:  The MERGE method updates only the properties of the entity , while the PUT method replaces the existing entity with a new one that you supply in the body of the POST
            "X-HTTP-Method": "DELETE",
            // X-RequestDigest header: When you send a POST request, it must include the form digest value in X-RequestDigest header
            "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
            success: function (data, status, xhr) {
            error: function (xhr, status, error) {


使用 REST API 在 SharePoint 中按版本标签删除文件版本
