首页 > 解决方案 > 从 sqlite Foxit SDK FullTextSearch 检索结果


我正在 Xamarin.Android 中尝试来自 Foxit Pdf Sdk 的 FullTextSearch 功能。根据他们的文档,结果保存在 sqlite 中。我从 sqlite 检索结果时遇到问题,并且没有关于在 Foxit Sdk 中检索的文档。


int errCode = Library.Initialize(sn, key);
            if (errCode != Constants.EErrSuccess)
                return string.Empty;

            var search = new FullTextSearch();
            string dbPath = database;
            // Get document source information.
            DocumentsSource source = new DocumentsSource(directory);

            // Create a Pause callback object implemented by users to pause the updating process.
            PauseUtil pause = new PauseUtil(30);

            // Start to update the index of PDF files which receive from the source.
            Progressive progressive = search.StartUpdateIndex(source, pause, false);
            int state = Progressive.EToBeContinued;
            while (state == Progressive.EToBeContinued)
                state = progressive.Resume();

            // Create a callback object which will be invoked when a matched one is found.
            MySearchCallback searchCallback = new MySearchCallback();

            // Search the specified keyword from the indexed data source.
            bool isFinished = search.SearchOf(searchIndex, FullTextSearch.ERankHitCountASC, searchCallback);

标签: xamarin.formsxamarin.androidfoxitfoxit-reader


首先,我在 SearchCallBack 函数中创建了一个属性。

public List<DtoSearchResult> SearchResults { get; set; }

当覆盖 RetrieveSearchResult 正在处理时,我将结果添加到列表中

public override int RetrieveSearchResult(string filePath, int pageIndex, string matchResult, int matchStartTextIndex, int matchEndTextIndex)
                DtoSearchResult result = new DtoSearchResult();
                result.FilePath = filePath;
                result.MatchResult = matchResult;
                result.PageIndex = pageIndex;
                return 0;
            catch (System.Exception ex)

                throw ex;

然后我从活动中调用 SearchResults 属性。

searchCallback.SearchResults = new List<DataTransferObjects.DtoSearchResult>();
bool isFinished = search.SearchOf(searchIndex, FullTextSearch.ERankHitCountASC, 
var result = searchCallback.SearchResults;
