首页 > 解决方案 > 无法循环通过 node.js 中的嵌套对象


我正在尝试遍历嵌套对象并将数据保存到我的云 Firestore 数据库,但它不工作,

这是我从 API 调用中检索到的对象的结构,

    "count": 133,
    "filters": {
        "dateFrom": "2021-04-12",
        "dateTo": "2021-04-22",
        "permission": "TIER_ONE"
    "matches": [
            "id": 304061,
            "competition": {
                "id": 2021,
                "name": "Premier League",
                "area": {
                    "name": "England",
                    "code": "ENG",
                    "ensignUrl": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/ae/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg"
            "season": {
                "id": 619,
                "startDate": "2020-09-12",
                "endDate": "2021-05-23",
                "currentMatchday": 31,
                "winner": null
            "utcDate": "2021-04-12T17:00:00Z",
            "status": "SCHEDULED",
            "matchday": 31,
            "stage": "REGULAR_SEASON",
            "group": "Regular Season",
            "lastUpdated": "2021-04-12T16:51:35Z",
            "odds": {
                "homeWin": 3.43,
                "draw": 3.31,
                "awayWin": 2.15
            "score": {
                "winner": null,
                "duration": "REGULAR",
                "fullTime": {
                    "homeTeam": null,
                    "awayTeam": null
                "halfTime": {
                    "homeTeam": null,
                    "awayTeam": null
                "extraTime": {
                    "homeTeam": null,
                    "awayTeam": null
                "penalties": {
                    "homeTeam": null,
                    "awayTeam": null
            "homeTeam": {
                "id": 74,
                "name": "West Bromwich Albion FC"
            "awayTeam": {
                "id": 340,
                "name": "Southampton FC"
            "referees": [
                    "id": 11430,
                    "name": "Simon Hooper",
                    "role": "MAIN_REFEREE",
                    "nationality": "England"
                    "id": 11570,
                    "name": "Harry Lennard",
                    "role": "ASSISTANT_N1",
                    "nationality": "England"
                    "id": 11505,
                    "name": "Derek Eaton",
                    "role": "ASSISTANT_N2",
                    "nationality": "England"
                    "id": 11585,
                    "name": "Craig Pawson",
                    "role": "FOURTH_OFFICIAL",
                    "nationality": "England"
                    "id": 11487,
                    "name": "Kevin Friend",
                    "role": "VIDEO_ASSISTANT_REFEREE",
                    "nationality": "England"
            "id": 303253,
            "competition": {
                "id": 2002,
                "name": "Bundesliga",
                "area": {
                    "name": "Germany",
                    "code": "DEU",
                    "ensignUrl": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/ba/Flag_of_Germany.svg"
            "season": {
                "id": 599,
                "startDate": "2020-09-18",
                "endDate": "2021-05-15",
                "currentMatchday": 28,
                "winner": null
            "utcDate": "2021-04-12T18:30:00Z",
            "status": "SCHEDULED",
            "matchday": 28,
            "stage": "REGULAR_SEASON",
            "group": "Regular Season",
            "lastUpdated": "2021-04-12T14:42:35Z",
            "odds": {
                "homeWin": 2.8,
                "draw": 3.72,
                "awayWin": 2.36
            "score": {
                "winner": null,
                "duration": "REGULAR",
                "fullTime": {
                    "homeTeam": null,
                    "awayTeam": null
                "halfTime": {
                    "homeTeam": null,
                    "awayTeam": null
                "extraTime": {
                    "homeTeam": null,
                    "awayTeam": null
                "penalties": {
                    "homeTeam": null,
                    "awayTeam": null
            "homeTeam": {
                "id": 2,
                "name": "TSG 1899 Hoffenheim"
            "awayTeam": {
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Bayer 04 Leverkusen"
            "referees": []

这是我尝试循环遍历对象的匹配部分,我希望能够遍历每个匹配项,同时仍然能够在每次迭代中访问子对象并在我的云 Firestore 数据库中设置数据

   axios.request(options).then(function(response) {

    //console.log(typeof response); // check the type of response returning already in JSON format
    //console.log(response); // check the response object and based on key/values process it 

    const data = response.data; // if resp contains the data you will get it here.


    /* for (let data1 in data.pagination) {
       // from the sample response you shared in the question 
       console.log(data1) // prints the keys
       console.log(data.pagination.data1) // prints the values*/

    for (i = 0; i < data.count; i++) {

        // from the sample response you shared in the question 
        // console.log(index);
        // console.log(data.f[data1]) // prints the keys
        // //console.log(data.pagination.data1) // prints the values

        const soccerData = {
            name: `${data.matches[i].competition.name}`,
            id: `${data.matches[i].competition.id}`
        return db.collection('matches').doc(`${data.matches[i].id}`)
            .set(soccerData).then(() =>
                console.log('data written to database'));


}).catch(function(error) {

标签: javascriptnode.jsfirebase



response.data.matches.forEach(match => {
  // do something with the match

而不是 for 循环。然后你可以做

const soccerData = {
   name: `${match.competition.name}`,
   id: `${match.competition.id}`


return db.collection('matches').doc(`${match.id}`)
        .set(soccerData).then(() =>
            console.log('data written to database'));
