首页 > 解决方案 > Java Program. Need to simplified public boolean equals (object B){ is to long. I do not how to reduce the coding in that part of my program


I wanted to reduce the coding in public boolean equals (Object B). The Program is running. and output is ok. Also create a new text file ("outpuPalindrome"). I was working in this program the entire morning and can find the way to simplified the coding for the boolean equals section following the instructions that I have. If someone can give an idea how to do it I will appreciated.

package charstack;

//import java.io.*; 
//import java.util.*; 
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;

/*  StringToStack function reads the string into its private stack.
        Precondition: check if a character is an alphabetic letter
        Postcondition: only alphabetic letters of the string are in the private stack.
        Other characters(like space, digit, punct, etc) can not be in the stack.
public class CharStack {
    private Stack<Character> myCharacters; 
    public CharStack(){
        myCharacters = new Stack<>();
    public void StringToStack(String inStr){
        myCharacters = new Stack<>();
        for (Character c: inStr.toCharArray()){
            if (Character.isAlphabetic(c)){
    /*  Reverse function empties its private stack out into another stack, 
        causing the order of the characters to be reversed.  Returns this new stack.
        Precondition:  Private stack is not empty.
    Postcondition:  If private stack is empty, displays error and returns.
        Otherwise: Returns new stack containing private stack's
           elements in reverse order.  Private stack is empty.
    public CharStack Reverse(){
        if (myCharacters.empty()){
            System.out.println("Error: CharStack is empty.");
            return null;
        CharStack s = new CharStack();
        while (!myCharacters.empty()){
        return s; //return new CharStack();
    /* IsEqual function tests if both private stack and B's stack are the same.
        Precondition:  Neither stack is empty.
    Postcondition:  If either stack is empty,
                displays error message and returns.
            Returns true if both stacks are the same, returns false otherwise.
            Both the private stack and B's stack are empty.
    public boolean equals (Object B){
        if (myCharacters.empty()){
            System.out.println("Error: CharStack 1 is empty.");
            return false;
        if (this == B){
            myCharacters = new Stack<>();
            return true; //return true;
        if (B instanceof CharStack){
            CharStack bStack = (CharStack) B;
            if (bStack.myCharacters.empty()){
                System.out.println("Error: CharStack 2 is empty.");
                myCharacters = new Stack<>();
                return false;
            while (!myCharacters.empty()){
                Character cA = myCharacters.pop();
                if (bStack.myCharacters.empty()){
                    myCharacters = new Stack<>();
                    bStack.myCharacters = new Stack<>();
                    return false;
                Character cB = bStack.myCharacters.pop();
                if (cA != cB){
                    myCharacters = new Stack<>();
                    bStack.myCharacters = new Stack<>();
                    return false;
            if (!bStack.myCharacters.empty()){
                bStack.myCharacters = new Stack<>();
                return false;
            return true;
        myCharacters = new Stack<>();
        return false;
    /* Postcondition:  Contents of stack have been converted to string on one line.  
       the private stack myCharacters is unchanged.
    public String toString(){
        //return "hello";
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Stack<Character> temp = new Stack<>();
        while (!myCharacters.empty()){
        while (!temp.empty()){
            Character c = temp.pop();
        return sb.toString();


/*prompt user to enter file name for palindrome check
//(use provided palindrome1.txt and palindrome2.txt files)
//read file line by line and use the CharStack class to check 
//if the line is palindrome, you need to call StringToStack() function to 
//push all letters from the line to a CharStack
//output the stack using toString() function
//then call reverse() function to get the reverse of the above CharStack
//call equals() function to check if the contents of two CharStacks 
//are the same and make decision about palindrome
//output all palindrome lines to a file to save them*/

public class CharStackApp {

 public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("Please, enter Palindrome file text to read.");
    String str = input.nextLine();
    File palindrome = new File(str);
    File outputPalindrome = new File("OutputPalindrome");
    PrintWriter writer;
    Scanner fileScanner;
        fileScanner = new Scanner(palindrome);
        writer = new PrintWriter(outputPalindrome);
    catch (FileNotFoundException e){
    while (fileScanner.hasNextLine()){
        String file = fileScanner.nextLine().toLowerCase();
        CharStack s = new CharStack();
        s.StringToStack(file);// original (ln) yo puse file
        CharStack sRev = new CharStack();
        sRev = sRev.Reverse();
        if (s.equals(sRev)){

标签: javacharstack


Yeah, that equals() implementation is way overkill. Just compare the stacks:

public boolean equals(Object B) {
    if (! (B instanceof CharStack))
        return false;
    CharStack bStack = (CharStack) B;
    return this.myCharacters.equals(bStack.myCharacters);

Remember to always implement hashCode() when you implement equals(). It will save you a lot of headache later, if you make that a habit.

public int hashCode() {
    return this.myCharacters.hashCode();

Your toString() also seems overly complicated.

public String toString() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (Character c : this.myCharacters)
    return sb.toString();
