首页 > 解决方案 > How to convert list to json in c#


I have converted CSV to a list of string I want to create a JSON using the header of CSV file the input and output are as mentioned below

var list = [


var json = { 

标签: c#


Assuming your list looks like

        var list = new string[3][] {
            new string[3] { "a","b","c" },
            new string[3] {"1","2","3" },
            new string[3] {"4","5","6"}

You can make a json from it using this method:

public static string toJson(string[][] csvArray) {
        var sb = new StringBuilder("{\n\"elements\": [\n");
        var headers = new string[csvArray[0].Length];
        for(int i = 0; i < csvArray[0].Length; i++)
            headers[i] = csvArray[0][i];
        for(int i = 1; i < csvArray.Length; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < csvArray[i].Length; j++)
                sb.AppendLine("\"" + headers.ElementAtOrDefault(j) + "\": \"" + csvArray[i][j] + "\",");
            sb.Remove(sb.Length-3, 3); // remove last ",/n" to make json valid
        sb.Remove(sb.Length-3, 3); // remove last ",/n" to make json valid
        return sb.ToString();

Check it in fiddler. Some alterations might be needed to adjust to your input data, maybe some additional validations, but it will let you go forward.
