首页 > 解决方案 > Problem with running Intellij 2021 sudo command


I installed intellij 2021 on ubuntu today and when I start it with sudo ./idea.sh command It start and after a second the following logs will be appeared in terminal and its process will be killed.

No protocol specified
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
[0413/044624.403508:FATAL:gpu_data_manager_impl_private.cc(445)] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
Trace/breakpoint trap

But when I start it without sudo(./idea.sh) everything is OK.

Note: I removed Intellij 2020 today and I didn't have this problem with it.

Can anyone tell me why?

Thanks in advance.

标签: ubuntuintellij-ideasudo

