首页 > 解决方案 > 尝试安装 MQTT 连接器(源和接收器)时出错


我正在尝试将 MQTT 代理与 Kafka 连接起来。我想安装一个连接器。所以我复制了这个命令:confluent-hub install confluentinc/kafka-connect-mqtt:1.4.0来自confluent的官方网站。但我收到这些错误:

confluent-hub install confluentinc/kafka-connect-mqtt:1.4.0
Do you want to install this into /usr/share/confluent-hub-components? (yN) y

Component's license: 
Confluent Software Evaluation License 
I agree to the software license agreement (yN) y

Downloading component Kafka Connect MQTT 1.4.0, provided by Confluent, Inc. from Confluent Hub and installing into /usr/share/confluent-hub-components 
Do you want to uninstall existing version 1.4.0? (yN) y

Detected Worker's configs: 
  1. Standard: /etc/kafka/connect-distributed.properties 
  2. Standard: /etc/kafka/connect-standalone.properties 
  3. Standard: /etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-distributed.properties 
  4. Standard: /etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-standalone.properties 
  5. Used by Connect process with PID : /tmp/confluent.B3k50ol5/connect/connect.properties 
Do you want to update all detected configs? (yN) y

Adding installation directory to plugin path in the following files: 
Unable to update Worker's configuration file /etc/kafka/connect-distributed.properties 
Unable to save to file /etc/kafka/connect-distributed.properties 
Error: Unknown error 

我已经尝试过使用 ubuntu 18.04 lts 和 ubuntu 20.04 lts,但仍然遇到相同的错误。请告诉我这里出了什么问题,我该如何安装这个连接器?

标签: apache-kafkamqttconfluent-platform

