首页 > 解决方案 > PuppeteerSharp - 访问在新选项卡中打开的背景页面,作为常规页面


我在使用从不和谐命令生成带有刷新令牌的 reddit 应用程序的程序时遇到问题。

我已经达到了一个点,我可以生成应用程序,获取所有相关信息,前往https://not-an-aardvark.github.io/reddit-oauth-helper/并从那里生成令牌,它将在新窗口中打开一个 reddit 确认页面。

我尝试以各种方式访问​​它,并经历了多种不同的方法,直到我开始使用 Target.PageAsync() 来获取页面。出于某种原因,Puppeteer 仅将页面视为 iFrame,并且仅在获取 Url 属性时才提供此链接 - https://www.redditmedia.com/gtm/jail?cb=8CqR7FcToPI - 这不会导致任何地方,但似乎与我在 HTML 中收集的第一个 iFrame 相关联。


标签: c#puppeteerreddit



由于 PuppeteerSharp 不愿意识别该页面,我只是在正确的时刻使用一个处理程序订阅了 Browser.TargetCreated,该处理程序在立即取消订阅后将记录最新的目标(在这种情况下,是一个调用 window.open() 的 javascript)和将发送者作为浏览器,然后尝试将页面放入数组并使用一些代码以确保它不会自行破坏,我终于找到了一个解决方案,经过三天零十二个多小时,我觉得有点愚蠢工作的。


        // Bla bla bla code to crawl or do whatever on the main page.

        // Immediately subscribe to the target created event with the event handler 
        // that will handle the background page once it has 
        // been triggered by a button, link, etc.

        browser.TargetCreated += TargetCreatedEventHandler;

    static async void TargetCreatedEventHandler(object sender, TargetChangedArgs e)
        // Unsubscribe from the event to 
        // make sure there are no duplicate unnecessary calls that might break the code.

        browser.TargetCreated -= TargetCreatedEventHandler;
        // Since I know the sender is the Browser object, 
        // I cast it it to another Browser used inside the event handler.

        Browser eventBrowser = (Browser) sender;
        // Get all the pages from the event browser 
        // and assume the first page is background one (for now)

        Page[] pages = await eventBrowser.PagesAsync();
        Page page = pages[0];
        int counter = 0;

        // Iterate through the pages, check if they're the page you were just on, 
        // use an int to help you keep track of of indexes. 
        // If it isn't the page you were on, assign the Page object the page 
        // with the current counter index from pages. 
        // (basically make sure it doesn't break itself with the wrong order). 
        foreach (var item in pages)
            if (item.Url != "Main Page URL HERE")
                page = pages[counter];
        // Do whatever you need to do on your background page here   
