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public static class PropertyMapper<TSource, TDest>
    private static Expression<Func<TSource, Dictionary<string, MasterSection>, TDest>> _mappingExpression;
    private static Func<TSource, Dictionary<string, MasterSection>, TDest> _mapper;
    static PropertyMapper()
        _mappingExpression = ProjectionMap();
        _mapper = _mappingExpression.Compile();

    public static Func<TSource, Dictionary<string, MasterSection>, TDest> Mapper => _mapper;

    public static Expression<Func<TSource, Dictionary<string, MasterSection>, TDest>> ProjectionMap()
        var sourceProperties = typeof(TSource).GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanRead);
        var destProperties = typeof(TDest).GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanWrite);
        var propertyMap =
            from d in destProperties
            join s in sourceProperties on new { d.Name, d.PropertyType } equals new { s.Name, s.PropertyType }
            where d.Name != "SourceOfDataId"
            select new { Source = s, Dest = d };
        var itemParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TSource), "item");
        var dictParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Dictionary<string, MasterSection>), "dict");
        var memberBindings = propertyMap.Select(p => (MemberBinding)Expression.Bind(p.Dest, Expression.Property(itemParam, p.Source))).ToList();

        var sourceOfDataProp = destProperties.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "SourceOfDataId");
        if (sourceOfDataProp != null)
            // here i am setting one of the inner object(SourceOfData) ID to outer object nullable guid property (SourceOfDataId)
            memberBindings.Add(Expression.Bind(sourceOfDataProp, Expression.Property(Expression.Property(itemParam, "SourceOfData"), "Id")));
        var newExpression = Expression.New(typeof(TDest));
        var memberInitExpression = Expression.MemberInit(newExpression, memberBindings);
        var projection = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, Dictionary<string, MasterSection>, TDest>>(memberInitExpression, itemParam, dictParam);
        return projection;


 AirflowsLab = sourceMechanicalData
                          .Select(a => PropertyMapper<LibraryLabAirflow, LibraryLabAirflow>
                                  .Mapper(a, masterSectionMappedLibrary)).ToList()

我在源实体和目标实体上有这些属性 SourceOfDataId、IsApproved,我试图将 IsApproved 设置为 true,并将 sourceOfDataId 设置为相应的值。

在此项目映射错误值已设置为 SourceOfDataId 而不是内部对象属性 Id 之后

实体 LibraryLabAirflow 看起来像这样

public class LibraryLabAirflow
    public Guid? SourceOfDataId { get; set; }
    public virtual CodeStandardGuideline SourceOfData { get; set; }
    public bool? IsApproved { get; set; }



 var sourceOfDataPropertyBind = Expression.Bind(sourceOfDataProp, Expression.Property(Expression.Property(itemParam, "SourceOfData"),typeof(Guid?), "Id"));


var sourceOfDataPropertyBind = Expression.Bind(sourceOfDataProp, Expression.Property(Expression.Property(itemParam, typeof(Guid?), "SourceOfData"), "Id"));


  airflowLab => new LibraryLabAirflow
        IsApproved = true,                 
        SourceOfData = airflowLab.SourceOfData,
        SourceOfDataId = airflowLab.SourceOfData.Id,


标签: c#.net-coreentity-framework-corelinq-to-entitiesexpression-trees


Not quite sure why you need to assign airflowLab.SourceOfData.Id to the explicit FK property SourceOfDataId, since in the context of server side LINQ to Entities it should be the same as assigning directly airflowLab.SourceOfDataId.

But let say for some reason you need that. Since the static type of the airflowLab.SourceOfData.Id expression is non nullable Guid (C# has no notion of implicit null propagation), the actual expression emitted by the C# compiler for

SourceOfDataId = airflowLab.SourceOfData.Id

would be

SourceOfDataId = (Guid?)airflowLab.SourceOfData.Id

Note the cast to nullable Guid. In Expression terms that maps to Expression.Convert, so what you need is something like

    Expression.Property(Expression.Property(itemParam, "SourceOfData"), "Id"),
