首页 > 解决方案 > 如何添加下一个列表来进行求和和平均?



    def arrayOfInts = [actual_speed_mobile_1.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_2.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_3.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_4.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_5.toInteger()]
    "this is **important** if we use removeAt"
    def min = Collections.min(arrayOfInts);
    WebUI.comment("our min value is " + min.toString())
    def max = Collections.max(arrayOfInts);
    WebUI.comment("our max value is " + max.toString())
    WebUI.comment("our list of values are " + arrayOfInts.toString())
    WebUI.comment("our list of values are " + arrayOfInts.toString())
    if (min != max) {
        arrayOfInts.removeAt(arrayOfInts.size() - 1);
        WebUI.comment("our list of values are " + arrayOfInts.toString())
    WebUI.comment("our values are " + arrayOfInts.toString())


    arrayOfInts = [actual_speed_mobile_1.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_2.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_3.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_4.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_5.toInteger()]
    in = Collections.min(arrayOfInts)
    comment("our min value is " + min.toString())
    our min value is 74
    max = Collections.max(arrayOfInts)
    comment("our max value is " + max.toString())
    our max value is 86
    comment("our list of values are " + arrayOfInts.toString())
    our list of values are [74, 82, 83, 84, 86]
   comment("our list of values are " + arrayOfInts.toString())
    our list of values are [82, 83, 84, 86]
    if (min != max)
    arrayOfInts.removeAt(arrayOfInts.size() - 1)
    comment("our list of values are " + arrayOfInts.toString())
    our list of values are [82, 83, 84]

我希望列表做平均我想将它添加到一个新变量中并将其转换为 inter 但我得到了错误:

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.util.ArrayList.toInterger() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
    at Aspire_cashout.run(Aspire_cashout:115)

标签: javagroovykatalon-studiowebharvest


您的代码可以用更惯用的 groovy 重写,例如:

//def arrayOfInts = [actual_speed_mobile_1.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_2.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_3.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_4.toInteger(), actual_speed_mobile_5.toInteger()]
def strings = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
def ints = strings.collect { it as Integer}.sort()
println "ints: $ints"

println "ints: $ints"

if (ints.min() != ints.max()) {
  // init returns a list of all elements except the last
  ints = ints.init()

println "ints: $ints"

println "average: ${ints.average()}"

def avg = ints.sum() / ints.size()
println "average: ${avg} (groovy < 3.x)"

iterable.average()方法是在 groovy 3.0 中引入的。如果您运行的 groovy 版本比这更旧,则可以使用该ints.sum() / ints.size()构造。

执行时(使用 groovy 3.x),上面的代码会导致:

─➤ groovy -v
Groovy Version: 3.0.6 JVM: 11.0.10 Vendor: Amazon.com Inc. OS: Linux

─➤ groovy solution.groovy
ints: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
ints: [2, 3, 4, 5]
ints: [2, 3, 4]
average: 3
average: 3 (groovy < 3.x)


