首页 > 解决方案 > validate css properties without selector using CSSLint module Javascript


I have a textarea which is basically the CodeMirror. I want to allow the user to only type the CSS properties without selector and then validate it using CSSLint. I am not sure how I can achieve this with the help of CSSLint.

For example, I want the user to type:

font-size: 10px;

and then validate it using CSSlint without the selector. CSSLint gives error when I don't use any selector. If a user type: h1{font-size:10px;} then it works fine but for direct property it does not. I want to know about a rule or a module that can help me in achieving the desired objective where the user can just type the CSS properties as follows:

font-size: 10px;
color: white;

and then I can easily validate whether the properties are correct or not.

标签: javascriptcssnode.jsreactjs


您可以将用户输入包装在选择器中,然后使用 CSSLint。


const userInput = document.getElementById("input").value;
// Wrap the user input in a style rule so CSSLint can
// verify it.
const results = CSSLint.verify(
        "* {\n" + userInput + "\n}");
for (const message of results.messages) {
    // Note: Subtract 1 from the line number because
    // we added an extra line before the user input.
    console.log(message.type, message.message,
                "line", message.line - 1,
                "col", message.col);

根据您的用例,您可能需要添加一些额外的检查以确保用户输入中没有任何会影响处理的 CSSLint 注释。


    // rule information
    id: "unique-selector",
    name: "Check for unique selector",
    desc: "User input should consist only of "
        + "properties without selector",
    url: "",
    browsers: "All",

    // initialization
    init: function(parser, reporter) {
        "use strict";
        var rule = this,
            first = true;

        parser.addListener("startrule", function(event) {
            var selectors = event.selectors;
            if (first) {
               first = false;
            } else {
                       "Unexpected start of rule",
