首页 > 解决方案 > How do I resize the display size of woocommerce products?


I am using woocommerce and wordpress for a small online shop. To display the products I use the woocommerce shortcode like this.

[products category="Keys" limit="2"]

The problem is that the result being displayed on the screen is too large.

How do I resize it? Do I need to add my own CSS or are there shortcode flags where I can add height and width parameters? In the attached screenshot you can see the displayed image is too wide and very long.

HOw do I resize the section that is displayed using the shortcode?

enter image description here

标签: wordpresswoocommerce


在这里,您可以找到 WooCommerce 短代码属性的完整列表[products]

您可以通过将列数增加到 4 或 5(或更多)来设置columns属性,以便拥有最小的产品块:

[products category="Keys" limit="2" columns="5"]

如果这还不够,您需要添加 CSS 规则。
