首页 > 解决方案 > 我想在我的 Kivy / Python 应用程序中实现 GPS,但我不知道该怎么做


我在 Kivy / Python 中有一个应用程序,现在我需要实现一个函数,该函数捕获手机的最后纬度和经度,并将它们提供给 MainApp 函数中的另一个函数,因为我需要以变量形式执行此信息一些计算。


from kivy.app import App
from kivy.core.window import Window
from kivy.uix.popup import Popup
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty, ListProperty
from kivy.uix.image import Image


Window.clearcolor = [1, 1, 0.9, 0.9]

class MainApp(App):
    texture = ObjectProperty()


# >>>>>>>>> Here is the function that takes the latitude and longitude data from the GPS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    def gps

# >>>>>>>>> And I need her to give me this data in 'lat'e' lon 'variables here inside a new function called calcu, so that I can do the calculations I want
    def calcu


    def build(self):
        self.title = 'MyApp'
        self.texture = Image(source = 'bgg.jpg').texture

    def calcular(self, *args):

        s_x = self.root.ids.x.text
        s_y = self.root.ids.y.text
        s_z = self.root.ids.z.text
        s_rpa = self.root.ids.rpa.text
        s_rt = self.root.ids.rt.text
        s_rpi = self.root.ids.rpi.text
        s_t = self.root.ids.t.text
        s_ii = self.root.ids.ii.text
        s_ie = self.root.ids.ie.text
        s_ac = self.root.ids.ac.text


        # Condicionais e variáveis:

        if (s_x == ''):
            s_x = 6
        if (s_y == ''):
            s_y = 6
        if (s_z == ''):
            s_z = 3
        if (s_ie == ''):
            s_ie = 20000
        if (s_ii == ''):
            s_ii = 300
        if (s_t == ''):
            s_t = 0.88
        if (s_rpi == ''):
            s_rpi = 0.3
        if (s_rt == ''):
            s_rt = 0.7
        if (s_rpa == ''):
            s_rpa = 0.5
        if (s_ac == ''):
            s_ac = 90

        x = float(s_x)
        y = float(s_y)
        z = float(s_z)
        rpi = float(s_rpi)
        rt = float(s_rt)
        rpa = float(s_rpa)
        t = float(s_t)
        ac = float(s_ac)
        ii = float(s_ii)
        ie = float(s_ie)


        # Equacões:

        apa = 2*((x*z)+(y*z))
        api = x * y
        at = x * y
        a = apa + api + at
        r = ((rpa * apa) + (rpi * api) + (rt * at)) / a
        fld = (ii/ie)*100
        w = (fld*a*(1-(r ** 2))) / (t*ac)
        w = round(w, 3)
        w = str(w)
        w = w.replace(".", ",")
        w = w +" m²"


        # Botão calcular:

        if (( t<=0 or t>1 ) or ( rpa<=0 or rpa>=1 ) or ( rpi<=0 or rpi >=1 ) or ( rt<=0 or rt>=1 ) or (ac<=0 or ac>180)):
            the_popup = Popup(title='Erro', content=Label(id='_result', text='Valor fornecido invalido.'),size_hint=(.5, .2), separator_color=[1, 1, 0.6, 0.8])
            self.root.ids.resultado.text = w
            self.root.ids.resultado.opacity = 1


def exit(self):

aplicativo = MainApp()

并且期待未来的问题,我应该在 buildozer.spec 中修改什么配置,以便它允许应用程序使用手机的 gps?

标签: pythonandroidpython-3.xkivygps

