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var descArray = ["Inspired by 'The Laughing Man, Ghost In The Shell' but remixed with grunge and glitch art elements; I am a huge fan of sinister smiles",
                 "Abuse has an addictive property that most people do not mention. When two adults engage in an abusive relationship, both the abuser and abused must get something out of the relationship in order for the abuse to continue. It is heaven and hell, full of highs and lows. It can provide relief from emptinesses caused early in life. There is a certain comfort in an abusive relathionship if it is all you have known.",
                 "The mind is not meant for isolation, but many of us have afflictions that make it difficult to socialize. This turbulent cycle of wanting to isolate, but hurting as a result of it is very similar to (and often the cause of) hard drug addictions. This is a cycle that gets worse with time.",
                 "When you come out of a bender the withdrawal can hit hard. Intense vomiting and nausea are the first signs of what you truly have done to yourself. The second signs are the knowledge of what horrible things you have done. You can look down into your vomit reflection and see yourself transformed into a demon.",
                 "Making happiness the only acceptable emotion to feel can be the fuel to continually chase different highs. Never allowing yourself to feel the pain of the past, present, or future does not allow you to heal and process what issues truly ail you. The need to avoid pain will lead to sedation when happiness is no longer a choice, and eventually a loss of self.",
                 "Hiding your true identity and putting on masks to appeal to others can be extremely comforting. It is what we learn to do very early on as children to avoid being bullied. It takes introspection and lots of time to truly find who you are and be comfortable with it. The dissonance between who you are and how you represent yourself can lead to years of shame and embarrassment, causing all sort of self-harm and self-hatred. This can then lead to even more discomfort with being genuine.",
                 "A woman, obscured by the overwhelming distractions of the world.",
                 "I beleive that all good things come from bad, so I like to visually show this by making terrible, scary, or morbid things 'cute.' Here three of The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse are depicted reflecting this ideal."];

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