首页 > 解决方案 > sql根据属性保留第一行


我写了一个 sql 来按 ASC 中的 SEASON 和 DESC 中的 CHAM 分组。如何选择每个 SEASON 中最大的 CHAM 值?为了进一步发展,我需要保留 CHAMPION_ID。


标签: sqlmariadb


Generally, you can do this with window functions, but your database, MariaDB v5.5, is too old to support window functions and a bunch of other things. I'd recommend either upgrading MariaDB or doing your work on dbfiddle or using the stand-alone SQLite.

You can do this without window functions using a subquery.

select *
from champs as c1
where cham = (
  select max(cham)
  from champs as c2
  where c1.season = c2.season

Pick only the rows whose cham equals the highest cham for that season.

You might be tempted to use a group by, but this will not show duplicates. For example, spring is all ties.

-- Only shows one row per season.
select *
from champs
group by season
having cham = max(cham);

Try it.

With window functions...

Add the seasonal ranks. This is partitioned by season and ordering by cham. rank() will assign the same ranks to ties.

  rank() over (partition by season order by cham desc) as season_rank
from champs

Then use that as a common table expression and select only the rows with seasonal_rank = 1.

with ranked as (
    rank() over (partition by season order by cham desc) as season_rank
  from champs
select *
from ranked
where season_rank = 1;

Try it.
