首页 > 解决方案 > 我丢失了 gitbash 之前的提交 github


我正在使用 git bash 将我的项目更新到 github,但这没有更新,我尝试用谷歌搜索我的问题,然后通过使用一些命令将我的项目更新到 git hub 存储库,但我之前的提交不存在。



       182  git init
  183  git add .
  184  git commit -m "initial relese 3*3"
  185  git branch -M main
  186  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  187  git push -u origin main
  188  git push -u origin main -force
  189  git push -u origin main --force
  190  exit
  191  git init
  192  git add -A
  193  git commit -m "working 10*10 or dynamic play board and shift hard to soft code"
  194  git remote rm origin
  195  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  196  git push -u origin main
  197  git init
  198  git add -A
  199  git commit -m "10*10 board solved some issue"
  200  git remote rm origin
  201  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  202  git push -u origin main
  203  exit
  204  git init
  205  git add .
  206  git commit -m "initial realese"
  207  git branch -M main
  208  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/ShakshiTradres.git
  209  git push -u origin main
  210  git init
  211  git add -A
  212  git commit "10*10 board now playboard and players datasource is different"
  213  git commit -m "10*10 board now playboard and players datasource is different"
  214  git remote rm origin
  215  git remote add origin https:///github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  216  git push -u origin main
  217  git init
  218  git add -A
  219  git commit -m "10*10 board checkDiagonalsForWin"
  220  git remote rm origin
  221  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  222  git push -u origin main
  223  git init
  224  git add -A
  225  git commit -m "10*10 board now players will save in h2 and palyboard will save into mysql"
  226  git remote rm origin
  227  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe
  228  git push -u origin main
  229  exit
  230  git init
  231  git add -A
  232  git commit -m "remove lots of bugs and use recomended pettern"
  233  git remote rm origin
  234  git remote add origin
  235  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  236  git push -u main
  237  git push -u main --force
  238  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  239  git push -u origin main
  240  git push -u origin main --force
  241  exit
  242  git init
  243  git add -A
  244  git commit -m "impletemns integration testing and solved some issue"
  245  git remote rm origin
  246  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  247  git push -u origin main
  248  git push -u origin main
  249  git init
  250  git add -A
  251  git commit -m "complete game score"
  252  git remote rm origin
  253  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  254  git push -u origin main
  255  git clone https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  256  v
  257  git init
  258  git add -A
  259  git commit "solved some issue"
  260  git commit -m "solved some issue"
  261  git remote rm origin
  262  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  263  git push -u origin main
  264  exit
  265  git init
  266  git add -A
  267  git commit -m "integration testing"
  268  git remote rm origin
  269  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  270  git push -u main
  271  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  272  git push -u main
  273  git remote add https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  274  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  275  git push -u main
  276  git push -u main --force
  277  git init
  278  git add -A
  279  git commit -m "integration testing"
  280  git remote rm origin
  281  git remote add https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  282  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  283  git push -u origin main
  284  git push -u origin main
  285  git init
  286  git add -A
  287  git commit -m "integration testing & solve some issue"
  288  git remote rm origin
  289  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  290  git push -u origin main
  291  git init
  292  git add -A
  293  git commit -m "integration testing"
  294  git remote rm origin
  295  git remote rm origin
  296  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe
  297  git push -u origin main
  298  git remote add origin https://github.com/sainivinit/TicTacToe.git
  299  git push -u origin main
  300  git push -u origin main --force
  301  git push -u origin master
  302  git show-ref
  303  git push origin HEAD:main
  304  git show-ref
  305  git push -u origin main
  306  git push origin HEAD:main
  307  git init
  308  git add .
  309  git commit -m "integration testing"
  310  git push -u origin master
  311  git push -u origin master --force
  312  git push -u origin master --force
  313  git init
  314  git add -A
  315  git commit -m "test integration"
  316  git push origin HEAD:main
  317  git push origin HEAD:main --force
  318  git commit -m "test integration"
  319  git reflog
  320  git reflog
  321  history


我已经失去了我之前的 11 次提交。

标签: gitgithubgitlabgit-bashgit-commit



.git/目录包含本地克隆的所有 git 数据库。如果删除该目录,则会删除所有退出分支、提交和 reflog 的跟踪。

如果您随后运行git initgit commit您将创建一个新的历史记录,其中包含一个提交(并且没有先前存在的提交的痕迹)。
使用这样的历史记录运行git push --force将指示 git 用该单一提交替换远程分支。

所以:您删除了本地 reflog(删除时.git/)并删除了远程历史记录(运行时git push -f)。


您将不得不查看 github 的 reflog。你不能通过 git 直接访问它,但是有一些方法可以通过 github 的 api 访问它。


