首页 > 解决方案 > PDDL 谓词名称必须是字符串


我正在尝试使用 pddl 解决计划任务,并且我编写了以下域

 (define (domain Monster)
    (:requirements :strips)
    (:predicates (player ?p) (location ?x) (monster ?m) (treasure ?tr) (trap ?tp) (weapon ?w) (flyer ?f) ;entities 
             (playerat ?player ?location) (monsterat ?monster ?location) (trapat ?trap ?location) (treasureat ?trasure ?location) (weaponat ?weapon ?location) (flyerat ?flyer ?location); relations 
             (gameOver ?p) (holdsw ?p) (holdsf ?p) (holdst ?p) (go ?A ?B) (close ?A ?B)

    (:action Move  ;Move from location A to location B
        :parameters (?P ?A ?B ?M) ; P->Player A->Location_1 B->Location_2  
        :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?A) (location ?B) (monster ?M) (playerat ?P ?A) (go ?A ?B) (not(monsterat ?M ?B)) )
        :effect (and(playerat ?P ?B) (not(playerat ?P ?A)) )

    (:action PickWeapon ; picking up weapon
        :parameters (?P ?L ?W) ;P->player L->location W->Weapon
        :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?L) (weapon ?W) (playerat ?P ?L) (weaponat ?W ?L)  )
        :effect (and(holdsw ?P) (not(weaponat ?W ?L)))
    (:action PickFlyer ;picking up flyer
        :parameters (?P ?L ?F) ;P->player L->location F->flyer 
        :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?L) (flyer ?F) (playerat ?P ?L) (flyerat ?F ?L)   )
        :effect (and(holdsf ?P) (not(flyerat ?F ?L)) )
    (:action PickTreasure ;picking up treasure
        :parameters (?P ?L ?T) ;P->player L->location T->treasure
        :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?L) (treasure ?T) (playerat ?P ?L) (treasureat ?T ?L)   )
        :effect (and(holdst ?P) (not(treasureat ?T ?L)) )
    (:action PlayerKilled ;player killed
        :parameters (?P ?L ?M) ;P->player L->location M->monster
        :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?L) (monster ?M) (playerat ?P ?L) (monsterat ?M ?L) (not(holdsw ?P)) (not(holdsf ?P)) )
        :effect (and(gameOver ?P) (not(playerat ?P ?L)) ); Game Over
    (:action PlayerTraped ;Player traped 
        :parameters (?P ?L ?TR) ;P->player L->location TR->trap
        :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?L) (trap ?TR) (playerat ?P ?L) (trapat ?TR ?L) (not(holdsf ?P)) )
        :effect (and(gameOver ?P) (not(playerat ?P ?L)) )
    (:action Kill ;Killing Monster
        :parameters (?P ?A ?M ?B) ;P->player L->location M->monster 
        :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?B) (location ?A) (monster ?M) (playerat ?P ?A) (monsterat ?M ?B) (holdsw ?P) (close ?A ?B) (go ?A ?B) )
        :effect (and(playerat ?P ?B) (not(monsterat ?M ?B)) (not(holdsw ?P)) )

    (:action FlyOverMonster
        :parameters (?P ?F ?L ?A ?M) ;P->player L->location F->flyer M->monster
        :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?L) (location ?A) (monster ?M) (playerat ?P ?A) (monsterat ?M ?L) (holdsf ?P) (close ?A ?L) (go ?A ?L) )
        :effect (and(playerat ?P ?L) (not(holdsf ?P)) )
    (:action FlyOverTrap
        :parameters (?P ?F ?L ?A ?TR) ;P->player L->location F->flyer TR->trap
        :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?L) (location ?A) (trap ?TR) (playerat ?P ?A) (trapat ?TR ?L) (holdsf ?P) (close ?A ?L) (go ?A ?L) )
        :effect (and(playerat ?P ?L) (not(holdsf ?P)) )

问题 我将要计划的问题定义如下

(define (problem Monster2)
(:domain Monster)

(:objects a b c d e f g h i pl mo tp fl tr wp

    (location a) (location b) (location c) (location d) (location e) (location f) (location g) (location h) (location i)
    (player pl) (monster mo) (trap tp) (flyer fl) (treasure tr) (weapon wp)
    (go a b) (go b a) (go b c) (go c b) (go c d) (go d c) (go a e) (go e b) (go e f) (go f d) (go e g) (go e h) (go h e) (go h i) (go i h)
    (close b c) (close c d) (close e f)
    (playerat pl a) (monsterat mo c) (treasureat tr d) (trapat tp f) (weaponat wp h) (flyerat fl i)

(:goal (and
            (holdst pl)
            (playerat pl a)


试图解决这个问题我改变了我的代码,但现在我面临另一个问题。杀死怪物后的特工没有去下一个房间,而是返回然后侧柱到d房间收集宝藏并留在d。奇怪的是,刨床说代理现在在房间 c,而在下一个状态它说他在房间 b。

Planner 结果
Planer Kill Monster agent at room c

规划器结果 规划器移动下一个应该是房间 d,它说房间 b 状态是错误的

标签: pddl


实际上,PDDL 文件中有几个错误。我用FF测试过。

在域文件中,您在不同的操作定义中错过了一些 AND 和几个括号,例如

(:action Kill
    :parameters (?P ?L ?M ?A) ;P->player L->location M->monster
    :precondition (and(player ?P) (location ?L) (location ?A) (monster ?M) (atp ?P ?A) (atm ?M ?L) (holdsw ?P ?W) (close ?A ?L) )
    :effect (and (not(atm ?M ?L)) (not(holdsw ?P ?W)) (atp ?P ?L))

然后你忘了声明域定义中使用的一些谓词,例如 at1...at6,位于

然后在动作FlyOverMonsterFlyOverTrap中,您忘记在动作KillPlayerKilled中声明变量 ?A、变量 ?W 。

在行动 PlayerKilled 中,您有一个不会出现在其他任何地方的谓词保持。

