首页 > 解决方案 > 从同一文件夹中的另一个 proto 文件导入 proto 文件


我已经经历了一些以前提出这个问题的问题,但我仍然被困住了,所以我希望能就我遇到的问题获得一些具体的建议。底部有相关代​​码的 Pastebin 链接。我正在使用 Java 编写稍后编写的代码,JavaSE - 1.8,我正在使用 Maven 进行编译

我对 gRPC 很陌生,但我认为我对这些原则有相当扎实的把握,而且我之前尝试过的示例都很成功。我正在尝试在一个原型中编写一个类作为消息,这样我就可以在其他几个中使用它。在我的梦想中,我会在另一堂课上重复这个,但我已经停滞了几天试图正确导入文件。


the.proto:29:9:“房间”未定义。the.proto:警告:导入 room.proto 但未使用


proto 文件在同一个文件夹中,它们不在一个包中,而是在项目名称下,然后是 src/main/resources。

proto 文件的文件路径(根据 room.proto 的属性)是 /officeally/src/main/resources/room.proto

带有相关代码的 Pastebin 链接

Room Proto
syntax = "proto3";//Must be Proto3
package officeally.src.main.resources;
option java_package = "com.myoffice";//must match group ID from proto
option java_multiple_files = true;//Do not change this. Creates multiple generated classes
option java_outer_classname = "OfficeAlly";//Corresponds to projectname. Name is created here
message Room{
    enum Location{
        Unknown = 0;
        Hallway = 1;
        MaleWC = 2;
        FemaleWC = 3;
        Office = 4;
        Kitchen = 5;
        ConferenceRoom = 6;
    Location room = 1;
    int32 capacity = 2;
    int32 population = 3;
    bool light = 4;
PROTO that imports room
syntax = "proto3";//Must be Proto3
option java_package = "com.myoffice";//must match group ID from proto
option java_multiple_files = true;//Do not change this. Creates multiple generated classes
option java_outer_classname = "OfficeAlly";//Corresponds to projectname. Name is created here
import "room.proto";
service  lightandtempcontrol {
    //create a name for the rpc first -> then specify type of message to send to server
    // to turn a light on upon somebody entering a room
    rpc LightsOn(targetLight) returns (emptyMessage) {};//Unary*
    // to turn a light off upon someone entering the room
    rpc LightsOff(targetLight) returns (lightReceipt) {};
    //to regulate temperature dependent on the temperature outside
    rpc OutsideTemp(stream outTemp) returns (stream indoorTemp){};//Bidirectional*
    //to get a complete 
    rpc Usage(usageRequest) returns (stream lightUsage) {};//Server streaming example
message targetLight{
    //Location to be turned on
    Room targetRoom = 1;
    bool light = 2;


标签: mavenimportprotocol-buffersgrpcgrpc-java

