首页 > 解决方案 > Powershell 获取活动用户 OU、用户名和组成员身份


我正在尝试获取一个 powershell 脚本来导出 OU 和子 OU 中的所有用户,我可以做得很好,但是当我尝试获取用户的 OU 时,我没有得到任何 OU。我在网上到处查看,发现一些脚本只提取用户的 OU,但它们有点慢,我似乎无法让他们拉出组,或者是从一个组中拉出而不是列出所有用户及其团体。我正在尝试导出此列表并按 OU 排序,以便我可以确保每个学生都在正确的组中。我们有一些学生在额外的小组中,我想快速轻松地找到这些学生。

$Report = @()
#Collect all users
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=Student,DC=domain,DC=com' -Properties distinguishedname, Name, GivenName, SurName, SamAccountName, UserPrincipalName, MemberOf, Enabled -ResultSetSize $Null
# Use ForEach loop, as we need group membership for every account that is collected.
# MemberOf property of User object has the list of groups and is available in DN format.
Foreach($User in $users){
$UserGroupCollection = $User.MemberOf
#This Array will hold Group Names to which the user belongs.
$UserGroupMembership = @()
#To get the Group Names from DN format we will again use Foreach loop to query every DN and retrieve the Name property of Group.
Foreach($UserGroup in $UserGroupCollection){
$GroupDetails = Get-ADGroup -Identity $UserGroup
#Here we will add each group Name to UserGroupMembership array
$UserGroupMembership += $GroupDetails.Name
#As the UserGroupMembership is array we need to join element with ',' as the seperator
$Groups = $UserGroupMembership -join ','
#Creating custom objects
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name DistinguishedName -Value @{Name="DistinguishedName";Expression={$_.distinguishedname | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace '^.+?(?<!\\),',''}}}
$Out | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Name -Value $User.Name
$Out | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name UserName -Value $User.SamAccountName
$Out | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Status -Value $User.Enabled
$Out | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Groups -Value $Groups
$Report += $Out
#Output to screen as well as csv file.
$Report | Sort-Object DistinguishedName | FT -AutoSize
$Report | Sort-Object DistinguishedName | Export-Csv -Path $env:temp\students.csv -NoTypeInformation

标签: powershell


我不知道您有多少用户,但是每次您在数组上 += 时,整个数组加上新元素都会被复制到一个全新的数组中。这是一种不好的做法,并且随着添加数组的每个项目呈指数级恶化。您可以通过将数组构建为循环结果或使用具有高效 add() 方法的dotnet列表对象来避免这种情况。


您的问题尚不清楚,但是如果您想要用户及其组的列表,那么您将走很长一段路。您提到了 ou 但 AFAICS 代码中没有使用组织单位。您想要 AD ou 属性还是 DN 的一部分?你似乎也没有使用。请注意,DN 是一个字符串,按 DN 排序只会给出一个无用的 alpha 字符串排序。您的学生是否在 OU=students 下的不同组织单位中?这还不清楚。如果是这样,请使用 AD canonicalName 对列表进行排序。

无需在 -property 中包含默认属性。溅射很好看。




# group hashtable, for efficient name lookup
$groupName = @{}
$ignoredGroups = @( 'AllStudents','AllUsers', 'etc' ) # don't clutter list with these groups 
Get-AdGroup -filter '*' |                         # any restrictions? searchbase, etc 
  ForEach-Object {
    if ( $ignoredGroups -notcontains $_.Name ) {
      $groupName[ $_.distinguishedName ] = $_.Name

# ADsplat, for readability 
$AD_Splat = @{
  Filter        = '*'
  SearchBase    = 'OU=Student,DC=domain,DC=com'  
  Properties    = 'MemberOf,CanonicalName,sn,givenName'.split(',')   # split to array 
  ResultSetSize = $Null                    # !? also, there are system limits to size
$results = Get-ADUser @ad_splat |
   ForEach-Object {
     $DN     = $_.distinguishedName  # do you need this at all?
     $CName  = $_.canonicalName  # for sorting by AD org unit
     $XName  = $_.sn + ', ' + $_.givenName  
     if ( $_.Enabled ) { $Enabled = 'Y'} else { $Enabled = '.' }
     $groups = (
        $_.memberOf | 
        ForEach-Object { $GroupName[ $_ ] } | # lookup name 
        where-Object { $_ } |                 # ignore nulls (when group not in hashtable)
        sort-object                           # consistent ordering between users
      ) -join ';'                             # don't use comma, csv conflict

      # leave custom object in pipe! This builds the array efficiently.
    New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    DistinguishedName = $dn
    Name              = $_.name
    XName             = $XName
    Login             = $_.SamAccountName
    CName             = $CName
    Groups            = $Groups
} | Sort-Object CName   # sort the objects by canonical name

$results | format-table
$results | Export-Csv -Path 'c:\temp\usersgroups.csv' -NoTypeInformation
