首页 > 解决方案 > 进入python中的下一个菜单选项


我有一个关于菜单以及如何进行“选项 __ 进度”选项的问题(请注意,我对 Python 很陌生,所以这可能是一个非常容易解决的问题,我只是没有搜索到正确的东西)。在我当前的代码中,我可以让用户选择其中包含活动的 4 个选项之一。选项 C 和 D 的一部分使用来自选项 B 的数据(但无需执行选项 B 就可以对用户可见,只是作为各种信息中心,而不是计算)。我编写了一些代码来显示我在下面谈论的内容:

def printMenu ():
    print("Activity List")
    print("A: Standalone Activity - What is the weather like")
    print("B: Events")
    print("C: Times")
    print("D: Olympic Standards")
    print("X: Exit")
    return input("Please choose a selection: ").upper()

def main():
    choice = printMenu()

def program(selection):
    if selection == "A":
        print("The weather is not important, as I am a computer")
    elif selection == "B":
        eventInfo = input("What is your best event and distance: ")
        def sportMenu():
            print("1. Return to Main Menu")
            print("2. Choose another sport")
            print("3. Continue to Part C: Countries")
            print("ENTER. Close application")
        sportsMenu = input("Please select an option: ")
            if sportsMenu == "1":
            elif sportsMenu == "2":
            elif sportsMenu == "3":
    elif selection == "C":
        # information for users who selected option C originally
        print("Talking about World Record times in certain events")
        # if they selected B and chose an event, this is where they would be sent to
        print("You have selected the event: ", eventInfo)
        timeInfo = input("Please enter your best time (MM:SS.ss): ")   
        # same menu as above, sending to main, section B to choose a different event, section D for comparison, or exit program
    elif section == "D":
        # information for users who selected option C originally
        print("Talking about top competitor's times in certain events and how younger athletes aspire to reach them, and the benefits of comparing times")
        # if they selected B and chose an event, and input a time at C this is where they would be sent to
        print("Your time of", timeInfo, "for", eventInfo, "has been compared to the World Record time of ____")
        # an external file of all World Record times is then referred to, and compared to the user's input in timeInfo
        # menus as above, main, going back to B, or C for different events or times respectively, or exit program
    elif selection == "X":
        print("Try again, please ensure the letter is shown in the menu")

selection = printMenu()
while selection != 'X':
    selection = printMenu()

我想知道用户是否有办法在选项 B 中输入答案,并直接跳到代码部分,# if they selected B and chose an event, this is where they would be sent to他们在 B 部分输入的信息(我想存储在 eventInfo 中)?我认为这将是从 C 到 D 的相同过程,并且我几乎就在那里,但显然在想要跳转到它们之前没有定义这些选项,我得到了错误。任何帮助将不胜感激!谢谢

标签: pythonmenu

