首页 > 解决方案 > Why wikijs didn't assign user with google self registration?


I'm using docker compose with wikijs 2.5.201 and postgresql 13

I have an error when a user login with automatic registration.
I set up google oath in my wiki properly, 1:1 with wikijs docx.
When user is not in database, then wiki create wikijs profile for him, but it didn't assign him to group which i specified in "sefl registration" section.

i got errors only in postgresql:

[48] ERROR:  insert or update on table "userGroups" violates foreign key constraint "usergroups_groupid_foreign"

[48] DETAIL:  Key (groupId)=(3) is not present in table "groups".

[48] STATEMENT:  insert into "userGroups" ("groupId", "userId") values ($1, $2), ($3, $4) returning "groupId"

标签: node.jspostgresqldockerdocker-compose

