首页 > 解决方案 > IDK 为什么我的 mapbox 地图不是交互式的。县城应该可以点击



map.on('load', function() {   // Map legend labelling and interaction with sidebar
  // legend labelling
  var layers = ['< 4.5%', '4.5% to 6%', '6% to 7.5%', '7.5% to 9%', '9% to 10.5%', '10.5% to 12%', '12% to 13.5%','13.5% to 15%','> 15%'];
  var colors = ['#fff2b8', '#FED976', '#FEB24C', '#FD8D3C', '#FC4E2A', '#E31A1C', '#BD0026', '#8E0101', '#49000E'];
  for (i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
    var layer = layers[i];
    var color = colors[i];
    var item = document.createElement('div');
    var key = document.createElement('span');
    key.className = 'legend-key';
    key.style.backgroundColor = color;
    var value = document.createElement('span');
    value.innerHTML = layer;
  // This for the life of me just refues to run. Something with the layer name, id is making it not run the clicking functionality.
  map.on('click', function (e) {
    var features = map.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point, { layers: ["countyData"] });
    for (i in features) {
      if (features[i].layer.id == "countyData") {
         document.getElementById('tooltip').innerHTML = 
         ('<b>Selected County:</b>' + (features[i].properties.COUNTY_LAB).toFixed(0) + '<br/> ' + 
         '<br/>Total Population in 2014:  ' + (features[i].properties.totPop14).toFixed(0) + 
         '<br/>Percent of Population in Poverty 2014:  ' + (features[i].properties.povPercent14).toFixed(0) + '%' + 
         '<br/>Total Population in 2019:  ' + (features[i].properties.totalPop19).toFixed(0) + 
         '<br/>Percent of Population in Poverty 2019:  ' + (features[i].properties.povPercent19).toFixed(0) + '%' + 

         '<br/> ' + '</br><b>Change for each Race:</b>' + '<br/> ' + 

         '<br/>Change in total White population:  ' + (features[i].properties.whiteTotDelta).toFixed(1) + 
         '<br/>Change in White population in Poverty:  ' + (features[i].properties.whitePovDelta).toFixed(1) + '<br/> ' + 

         '<br/>Change in total Hispanic population:  ' + (features[i].properties.hispTotDelta).toFixed(1) + 
         '<br/>Change in Hispanic population in Poverty:  ' + (features[i].properties.hispPovDelta).toFixed(1) + '<br/>' +

         '<br/>Change in total Black population:  ' + (features[i].properties.blackTotDelta).toFixed(1)  + 
         '<br/>Change in Black population in Poverty:  ' + (features[i].properties.blackPovDelta).toFixed(1) + '<br/> ' + 

         '<br/>Change in total Asian population:  ' + (features[i].properties.asianTotDelta).toFixed(1)  + 
         '<br/>Change in Asian population in Poverty:  ' + features[i].properties.asianPovDetlta).toFixed(1) + '<br/> ' + 

         '<br/>Change in total Native American population:  ' + (features[i].properties.nativeTotDelta).toFixed(1) + 
         '<br/>Change in Native American population in Poverty:  ' + (features[i].properties.nativePovDelta).toFixed(1) + '<br/> ' +

         '<br/>Change in total Other population:  ' + (features[i].properties.otherTotDelta).toFixed(1)  + 
         '<br/>Change in Other population in Poverty:  ' + (features[i].properties.otherPovDelta ).toFixed(1);
         if (clickedStateId) {
           map.setFeatureState({sourceLayer: "County_Boundaries_of_NJ_EDITE-5q8kmm", id: clickedStateId, source:"composite"}, {"click":false})
        clickedStateId = features[i][id];
        map.setFeatureState({sourceLayer: "County_Boundaries_of_NJ_EDITE-5q8kmm", id: clickedStateId, source:"composite"}, {"click":true})
     map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'default';

编辑: 访问令牌设置为只读,所以我不担心任何人能够修改任何东西,而且我的地图样式无论如何都是私有的。如果我认为问题出在哪里是错误的,那么有人无法指出。

标签: htmlmapbox



  1. features=features[0]在 map.queryRenderedFeatures 行之后添加
  2. 摆脱了for i in features循环
  3. 将所有提及的内容更改features[i]为 just features
