首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将场景中的游戏对象位置写入 json 文件?


单击按钮时,我正在加载函数 WriteJsonForLevel()。我已经放置了三个标签名为“RedCoin”的游戏对象,我想将游戏对象的位置写入 JSON 文件。我可以得到对象的位置,但它都被覆盖了。我只能看到最后一个 GameObject 位置(即循环完成) 在此处输入图像描述

public List<GameObject> levelObjects;
 public string level;
 public Vector3 pos;
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     levelObjects = new List<GameObject>();
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
 public void WritejsonForAll()
 public void WriteJsonForLevel()
    /* FileStream fs = new FileStream(Application.dataPath + "/sample.json",FileMode.Create);
     StreamWriter writer= new StreamWriter(fs);*/
     GameObject[] coinObjRed = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("RedCoin");
 public void putAllObjectInList(GameObject[] p)
     string path = Application.dataPath + "/text.json";
    foreach (GameObject q in p)
     for (int i = 0; i < levelObjects.Count; i++)
         GameObject lvlObj = levelObjects[i];
         Vector3 pos = lvlObj.transform.position;
         string posOutput = JsonUtility.ToJson(pos);
          Debug.Log("position:" + posOutput);

标签: jsonunity3d


您正在使用WriteAllText它将在每次调用时覆盖文件。由于它每次在循环中都会覆盖,它只会将最后一个对象写入文件,因为其他之前的写入都会被覆盖。我会考虑制作一个序列化的数据类,将数据分配给它,将其转换为 JSON 字符串,然后保存。

// stores individual locations for saving
public class IndividualLocation
    public IndividualLocation(Vector3 pos)
        xPos = pos.x;
        yPos = pos.y;
        zPos = pos.z;
    public float xPos;
    public float yPos;
    public float zPos;

// stores all game locations for saving
public class AllGameLocations
    public List<IndividualLocation> Locations = new List<IndividualLocation>();

public void PutAllObjectInList(in GameObject[] p)
    string path = Application.dataPath + "/text.json";

    // create a new object to write to
    AllGameLocations data = new AllGameLocations();
    // iterate the objects adding each to our structure
    foreach(GameObject obj in p)
        data.Locations.Add(new IndividualLocation(obj.transform.position));
    // now that the data is filled, write out to the file
    File.WriteAllText(path, JsonUtility.ToJson(AllGameLocations));



public void LoadJSONObject()
    string path = Application.dataPath + "/text.json"; 
    // if the file path or name does not exist
    if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)))
        Debug.LogWarning("File or path does not exist! " + path);

    // load in the save data as byte array
    byte[] jsonDataAsBytes = null;

        jsonDataAsBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
        Debug.Log("<color=green>Loaded all data from: </color>" + path);
    catch (Exception e)
        Debug.LogWarning("Failed to load data from: " + path);
        Debug.LogWarning("Error: " + e.Message);

    if (jsonDataAsBytes == null)

    // convert the byte array to json
    string jsonData;

    // convert the byte array to json
    jsonData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(jsonDataAsBytes);

    // convert to the specified object type
    AllGameLocations returnedData;
    JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite<AllGameLocations>(jsonData, AllGameLocations);
    // use returnedData as a normal object now
    float firstObjectX = returnedData.Locations[0].xPos;

