首页 > 解决方案 > Google cloud App engine Spring deploy error


Im trying to deploy a springboot rest api to google cloud's app engine, following this recent tutorial: https://medium.com/@smccartney09/deploy-a-spring-boot-api-to-gcp-app-engine-722198bab4d4and

However i'm getting this error:

org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start ServletWebServerApplicationContext due to missing ServletWebServerFactory bean.

The app runs normally in localhost, from what I can see trying to debug, on localhost springboot launches a tomcat web server, and it doesn't in the logs form google app run deployment. Does this mean I have to use google's web server instead of tomcat? i'm really lost as to what i'm doing wrong right now.

POM xml:

    <description>owl backend server</description>













public class OwlServerApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(OwlServerApplication.class, args);


Ok, so after a lot of reading i think it might be because google app engine doesnt support tomcat as a webserver, and instead only supports jetty? so i tried the following:

added to pom xml:


but this does nothing, same exact error. I then tried to add jetty as well, which runs locally great as a jetty web server, but gives the same error on app engine. So we know the error is due to google app engine not supporting tomcat or jetty, but what do i use now? Anyone have any idea on whats going wrong?

标签: springspring-bootgoogle-app-enginegoogle-cloud-platform


所以经过大量调试,这里的问题出在spring security。如果你有一个扩展 WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter 的类,spring 会自动尝试将它应用到嵌入式 tomcat web 服务器。谷歌应用引擎不支持它,这打破了它。只需删除课程,该应用程序即可运行。
