首页 > 解决方案 > 如何让程序询问用户输入的数量,并将他们输入的结果加在一起?




  1. 询问收到的成绩数量

  2. 询问用户获得的分数以及该分数的百分比 x 次,其中 x 是用户在第一个问题上给出的数字。

  3. 根据输入计算最终学期成绩。


grade1 = int(input("What was the first grade you received? " ))
percentage1 = float(input("What's the percentage of the first grade? "))
grade_value1 = grade1 * percentage1

grade2 = int(input("\nWhat was the second grade you received? "))
percentage2 = float(input("What's the percentage of the second grade? "))
grade_value2 = grade2 * percentage2

grade3 = int(input("\nWhat was the third grade you received? " ))
percentage3 = float(input("What's the percentage of the third grade? "))
grade_value3 = grade3 * percentage3

finale_grade = grade_value1 + grade_value2 + grade_value3

if finale_grade < 2.9:
    print("\nYour finale grade is 2")
elif finale_grade < 5.4:
    print("\nYour finale grade is 4")
elif finale_grade < 8.4:
    print("\nYour finale grade is 7")
elif finale_grade < 10.9:
    print("\nYour finale grade is 10")
    print("\nYour finale grade is 12")

标签: python


#I hope this works , I'm a beginner tho 

num_of_recieved_grades = int(input("number of recieved 
grades ?"))
final_grade = 0

# for loop in range of the number entered

for x in range (num_of_recieved_grades ):
    grade = int(input("what is the grade"))
    percentage = float(input("what is the percentage"))
    final_grade += grade * percentage
