首页 > 解决方案 > 麻烦制作中缀到后缀转换器臂组件


我在制作将给定中缀表达式转换为后缀的程序时遇到了一些麻烦。我首先用 python 编写了程序,它工作得很好,现在我正试图将它翻译成 Arm。这是 Python 代码:

OPERATORS = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '(', ')', '^']  # set of operators

PRIORITY = {'+':1, '-':1, '*':2, '/':2, '^':3} # dictionary having priorities 

operation = "+-*/^" 

def infix_to_postfix(expression):
    stack = [] # initially stack empty
    output = '' # initially output empty
    for ch in expression:
        if ch not in OPERATORS:  # if an operand then put it directly in postfix expression
            output+= ch
        elif ch=='(':  # else operators should be put in stack

        elif ch==')':
            while stack and stack[-1]!= '(':

            # lesser priority can't be on top on higher or equal priority    
             # so pop and put in output   
            while stack and stack[-1]!='(' and PRIORITY[ch]<=PRIORITY[stack[-1]]:

    while stack:
    result = ""

    for i in range(len(output)):
        if output[i] in OPERATORS and output[i-1] != " ":
            result += " "
            result += output[i] 
        elif output[i] in OPERATORS:
            result += output[i]
            result += " "
            result += output[i]
    return result

def evaluate(prefexp):
    arg = prefexp.split(" ")
    stack = []
    for token in arg:
        if token not in OPERATORS:
            o1 = stack.pop()
            o2 = stack.pop()
            if token == "+":
                w = float(o2) + float(o1)
            if token == "-":
                w = float(o2) - float(o1)
            if token == "*":
                w = float(o2) * float(o1)
            if token == "/":
                w = float(o2) / float(o1)
            if token == "^":
                w = float(o2) ** float(o1)
    return stack.pop()
def addSpaces(infexpr):
    output = ""
    for i in infexpr:
        if i in operation:
            output += " "
        output += i
    return output


到目前为止,在 infix_to_postfix 函数中,我已经了解了 for 循环中的最后一个 else。在那之前,我对它进行了测试,我很确定它可以按预期工作。当我尝试在 for 循环中实现最后的 else 时,就会出现问题。

如果该函数中 for 循环之后的所有内容都被注释掉并且它在表达式 3*(5+3) 上运行,它会给出 353+。但是当我在我的手臂上运行它时,我得到 35(*3+.


//Converts Infix expression given from command line
//into postfix

.balign 4
operators: .asciz "+-o*/o()o^"

.balign 4
//builds the prefix string
prefix: .space 100

.balign 4
return: .word 0

.global main
.global printf

//r0 contains address of infix expression
//r1 contains length of stack
//r2 contains address of prefix
//r3 contains current character in infix expression
//r4 contains address of operators
//r5 contains precedence of infix in operators
//r7 contains bottom element of stack


    ldr r0, [r1, #4] //load infix expression from command line
    ldr r1, =return //save link register
    str lr, [r1]
    mov r1, #0 //length of stack
    ldr r2, =prefix //load address of prefix onto r2

    ldrb r3, [r0] //contains current character in infix expression
    cmp r3, #0 //if current character is null, end of infix expression reached
    beq end //go to end
    ldr r4, =operators //load address of operators string onto r4
    mov r5, #0 //initialize precedence of infix

//checks if current character is an operator
//also determines precedence #
    ldrb r6, [r4] //load current character in operator string to r6
    cmp r6, #0 //check if end of operators string
    beq NotInOperator //if end of string reached, character not an operator
    cmp r6, r3 //compare character in operator to that of infix
    beq IsOperator //if equal branch to isoperator
    add r4, r4, #1 //increment address of operator string
    add r5, r5, #1 //increment precedence # of infix character
    b InOperator //loop back to inoperator branch

//if not an operator store operand in prefix
    strb r3, [r2] //store character into current address of prefix string
    add r2, r2, #1 //increment address of prefix string
    add r0, r0, #1 //increment address of infix string
    b InfixParse //start next iteration of InfixParse

//if is operator check if operator is (, ), or
//something else
    cmp r3, #40 //check if operator is (
    beq IsLeftParen 
    cmp r3, #41 //check if operator is )
    beq IsRightParen
    b OtherOperator //if something else branch to otheroperator

//if infix character is left parentheses
//push '(' onto stack
    push {r3} //push onto stack
    add r1, r1, #1 //increment length of stack
    cmp r1, #1 //if stack was empty
    moveq r7, r3 //store bottom element of stack in r7
    add r0, r0, #1 //increment address of infix string
    b InfixParse //loop back to InfixParse

//if infix character is right parentheses
//pop from the stack and add it to the prefix string
//until either the stack is empty or bottom of stack is
//left parentheses
    sub r6, r7, #40 //store diff ascii of ( and ascii of r7, the last element in stack
    mul r8, r6, r1 //if r8 is 0, either r7 is ( or r1 is 0 => stack is empty
    cmp r8, #0 //if r8 is 0
    beq EndOfParen //branch out of loop
    ldrb r8, [sp], #4 //pop from stack, store it in r8
    strb r8, [r2] //store r8 into prefix
    add r2, r2, #1 //increment address of prefix
    sub r1, r1, #1 //decrement length of stack
    b IsRightParen //loop back to IsRightParen
//when exited out of above loop
//pop from the stack
    pop {r6}  //pop
    sub r1, r1, #1 //decrement length
    add r0, r0, #1 //increment address of infix
    b InfixParse //loop back to InfixParse

//if some other operator
//pop from stack until either
//stack is empty
//bottom of stack is (
//or the operator on the bottom of the stack has a lower
//precedence than the current operator is found
    sub r6, r7, #40 //store diff ascii of ( and ascii of r7, the last element in stack
    mul r8, r6, r1 //if r8 is 0, either r7 is ( or r1 is 0 => stack is empty
    mov r9, r8 //save this value in r9
    mov r6, #0 //stores precedence of operator on bottom of stack
    ldr r4, =operators //load address of operator string onto r4

    ldrb r8, [r4] //load current operator character onto r8
    cmp r8, #0 //if null character end of string reached
    beq Popping //exit loop
    cmp r8, r7 //compare operator character to character of bottom of stack
    beq Popping //exit loop
    add r6, r6, #1 //increment precedence counter
    add r4, r4, #1 //increment address of operator string
    b PrecedenceCheck //loop back to PrecedenceCheck

    cmp r6, #9 //since (, ), aren't real operators
    moveq r6, #6 //^ is pushed before them
    sub r6, r5, r6 //subtract precedence of infix char and of bottom of stack
    cmp r6, #1 //if difference greater than one, precedence of infix char
    bgt Pushing //is greater than of bottom of stack, exit loop
    cmp r9, #0 //if stack is empty or bottom of stack is (
    beq Pushing //also exit loop
    ldrb r6, [sp], #4 //pop off stack
    strb r6, [r2] //store it in prefix string
    add r2, r2, #1 //increment address of prefix string
    sub r1, r1, #1 //decrement length of stack
    b OtherOperator //loop back to OtherOperator

//once out of loop, push infix char onto stack
    push {r3} //pushes infix char on stack
    add r1, r1, #1 //increment size of stack
    cmp r1, #1 //if stack was empty
    moveq r7, r3 //store bottom of stack onto r7
    add r0, r0, #1 //increment address of infix string
    b InfixParse //loop back to InfixParse
    ldr r0, =prefix //print out prefix string
    bl printf
    ldr lr, =return //restore link register
    ldr lr, [lr]
    bx lr //exit 

标签: pythonalgorithmdebuggingarminfix-notation

