首页 > 解决方案 > 如何更改 ORG 图表(HighCharts)的方向,从右到左阅读,而不是垂直阅读


如何更改 ORG 图表(HighCharts)的方向,从右到左阅读,而不是垂直阅读


Highcharts.chart('container', {

  chart: {
    height: 600,
    inverted: false

  title: {
    useHTML: true,
    text: 'Statistics Division of United Nations'

  series: [{
    type: 'organization',
    name: 'United Nations',
    keys: ['from', 'to'],
    data: [
      ['Director', 'SPDS'],
      ['Director', 'ESU'],
      ['Director', 'CDS'],
      ['Director', 'OTMS'],
      ['Director', 'ESB'],
      ['Director', 'DSSB'],
      ['Director', 'EESB'],
      ['Director', 'TSB'],
      ['Director', 'SSB'],
      ['ESB', 'NAS'],
      ['ESB', 'EEAS'],
      ['DSSB', 'DSS'],
      ['DSSB', 'SHSS'],
      ['EESB', 'ESS'],
      ['EESB', 'IESS'],
      ['TSB', 'IMTSS'],
      ['TSB', 'SITSS'],
      ['SSB', 'GDSU'],
      ['SSB', 'SDS'],
      ['SSB', 'SGCU'],
    levels: [{
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      color: 'silver',
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      height: 25
    }, {
      level: 1,
      color: 'silver',
      dataLabels: {
        color: 'black'
      height: 25
    }, {
      level: 2,
      dataLabels: {
        color: 'black'
      height: 25
    }, {
      level: 4,
      dataLabels: {
        color: 'black'
      height: 25
    nodes: [{
      id: 'Director',
      title: null,
      name: 'Director',
      color: "#419dc0",
      info: "Director"
    }, {
      className: 'title',
      id: 'ESU',
      title: null,
      name: 'Executive Support',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#41c0a4",
      info: "Planning and coordination of the overall Division’s work program and operation, <br/>including program management finance/budget management, <br/>human resources management, and general office administration"
    }, {
      id: 'SPDS',
      title: null,
      name: 'Stats Planning & Development',
      image: null,
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#41c0a4",
      info: "Methodological work on MDG indicators, databases; <br/>coordination of inter-agency groups for MDG global indicators, <br/>responsible for MDG global monitoring. <br/>Coordination of global gender statistics program"
    }, {
      id: 'CDS',
      title: null,
      name: 'Capacity Development',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#41c0a4",
      info: "Management and implementation of the Technical <br/>Co-operation and Statistical Capacity Building Program"
    }, {
      id: 'OTMS',
      title: null,
      name: 'Office & Tech Management',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#41c0a4",
      info: "Application of information technologies for the collection, <br>processing and dissemination of international statistics<br> and metadata by all branches of the Statistics Division"
    }, {
      id: 'ESB',
      title: null,
      name: 'Economics Stats',
      column: 2,
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#abd734",
      info: "Economics Statistics Branch"
    }, {
      id: 'NAS',
      title: null,
      name: 'National Accounts',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#beef3a",
      info: "National Accounts Section"

    }, {
      id: 'EEAS',
      title: null,
      name: 'Environmental Economic',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#beef3a",
      info: "Environmental Economic Accounts Section"

    }, {
      id: 'DSSB',
      name: 'Demographic & Social Stats',
      column: 2,
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#34abd7",
      info: "Demographic and Social Statistics Branch"
    }, {
      id: 'DSS',
      name: 'Demographic Stats',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#3abeef",
      info: "Demographic Statistics Section"
    }, {
      id: 'SHSS',
      name: 'Social & Housing Stats',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#3abeef",
      info: "Social and Housing Statistics Section"
    }, {
      id: 'EESB',
      name: 'Environment & Energy Stats',
      column: 2,
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#d734ab",
      info: "Environment and Energy Statistics Branch"
    }, {
      id: 'ESS',
      name: 'Environment Stats',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#ef3abe",
      info: "Environment Statistics Section"
    }, {
      id: 'IESS',
      name: 'Industrial & Energy Stats',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#ef3abe",
      info: "Industrial and Energy Statistics Section"
    }, {
      id: 'TSB',
      name: 'Trade Stats',
      column: 2,
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#d76034",
      info: "Trade Statistics Branch"
    }, {
      id: 'IMTSS',
      name: 'Merchandise Trade Stats',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#ef6b3a",
      info: "International Merchandise Trade Statistics Section"
    }, {
      id: 'SITSS',
      name: 'Stats of Trade',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#ef6b3a",
      info: "Statistics of International Trade in Services Section"
    }, {
      id: 'SSB',
      name: 'Stats Services',
      column: 2,
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#d7b234",
      info: "Statistical Services Branch"
    }, {
      id: 'GDSU',
      name: 'Global Data Services',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#efc63a",
      info: "Global Data Services Unit"
    }, {
      id: 'SDS',
      name: 'Stats Dissemination',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#efc63a",
      info: "Statistical Dissemination Section"
    }, {
      id: 'SGCU',
      name: 'Geographic Conferences',
      layout: 'hanging',
      color: "#efc63a",
      info: "Statistical and Geographic Conferences Unit"
    colorByPoint: false,
    color: '#007ad0',
    dataLabels: {
      color: 'white',
    borderColor: 'white',
    nodeWidth: 45,
    nodePadding: 2

  tooltip: {
    outside: true,
    formatter: function() {
      return this.point.info;

  exporting: {
    allowHTML: true,
    sourceWidth: 800,
    sourceHeight: 600
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标签: htmlcsshighcharts

