首页 > 解决方案 > 在 C++ 中将 unsigned char bloomfilter 写入 fifo


我想知道如何安全地将 unsigned char* 数组写入 fifo。我曾尝试将数组转换为 char*,但我不认为内容是安全地写入或读取的,因为我得到的结果不正确。该数组是一个布隆过滤器。


(来自 Wiki:Bloom 过滤器是一种节省空间的概率数据结构,用于测试元素是否是集合的成员。可能会出现误报匹配,但不会出现误报 - 换句话说,查询返回“可能在集合中”或“绝对不在集合中”



void send_bloomfilters(int write_fd, int buf_size)
  char buffer[5000]; // buffer used for concatination of bloomfilters
  char temp[200];

  VirusNode* current = virus_list.head;
  strcpy(buffer, (char *)&current->bf[0]); // coping the bloomfilter to buffer

  while(current != NULL) // sending all bloomfilter in one buffer like so: bf1#bf2#bf3#...
    sprintf(temp, "#%s", (char *)&current->bf[0]);
    current = current->next;

  send_message(write_fd, buffer, buf_size); //finally sending the buffer to parent

// Sends <message> to file descriptor <fd> per <buf_size> characters
void send_message(int fd, char *message, int buf_size)
// writing the length of the message to be received
  int length = strlen(message);
  char buffer[10];
  memset(buffer, 0, 10);
  sprintf(buffer, "%d@", length);
  write(fd, buffer, 9); // sending the number of bytes reader is about to read

  int buffer_size = buf_size;
  char * input_write = new char[length + 1];
  strcpy(input_write,message); // coping the message we want to send
  char * str = input_write; // pointer to the array
  int bytes_written = 0, total_bytes = 0; // We might need to write less or more bytes
  buffer_size = length < buffer_size ? length : buffer_size; // than <buf_size>

  while(total_bytes < length)
    str += bytes_written;      // move str pointer
    bytes_written = write(fd, str, buffer_size); //and write the next <buffer_size> characters
    total_bytes += bytes_written;  // adding them to the total amount of bytes written altogether

    if((total_bytes + buffer_size) > length)
        buffer_size = length - total_bytes; // reading exactly the amount that's left
  delete [] input_write;


void receive_bloomfilters(Children *children_info, int num_children, int buf_size)
    struct pollfd filedescs[num_children];
    char * buf;
  char * bloomfilter;
  // while there are still monitors left to send a message
    while(children_sent_remain(m_info, num_children)) //function checks how many children are left to read from
      for (int i = 0; i < num_children; i++)
        filedescs[i].fd = children_info[i].read_fd;
          filedescs[i].events = POLLIN;
      if(poll(filedescs,num_children,10) < 0 ) printf("poll blocked\n");

      for (int i = 0; i < num_children; i++)
            if((filedescs[i].revents & POLLIN))
          if(filedescs[i].fd == children_info[i].read_fd)
            buf = read_message(children_info[i].read_fd, buf_size);
          VirusNode* current = m_info[i].virus_list->head;

          bloomfilter = strtok (buf,"#");
          while (bloomfilter != NULL && current != NULL)
            current = current->next;
            bloomfilter = strtok (NULL, "#");
            delete [] buf;
          m_info[i].not_sent_yet = false; // flag=false now that we read the message from <i> child

void VirusNode::InsertBloom(char* bloomfilter) {
  monitor_bloom->bf = (unsigned char*)bloomfilter;

// Reads a message from <fd> and returns it.
char *read_message(int read_end_fd, int buf_size)
  char buffer[10];
  int fifo_buffer_size = buf_size;
  read(read_end_fd, buffer, 9);
  char * tok = strtok(buffer, "@");
  int length = atoi(tok); // how many characters will be received
  char * input_read = new char[length + 1];

  char * str = input_read;
  int bytes_read = 0, total_bytes = 0; // We might need to read less or more bytes
  fifo_buffer_size = length < fifo_buffer_size ? length : fifo_buffer_size; // than <buf_size>

  while(total_bytes < length)
    str += bytes_read;      // move str pointer
    bytes_read = read(read_end_fd, str, fifo_buffer_size); //and read the next <buf_size> characters
    total_bytes += bytes_read;  // adding them to the total amount of bytes read altogether

    if((total_bytes + fifo_buffer_size) > length)
        fifo_buffer_size = length - total_bytes; // reading exactly the amount that's left

  input_read[length] = '\0';

  return input_read; 


标签: c++processnamed-pipesfile-descriptorbloom-filter


您正在使用str-函数来操作字节缓冲区。他们假设字符串是以 0 结尾的,因此如果您的过滤器中有 0 字节,这将不起作用。

切换到memcpy, realloc。或者更好 - 使用vectors.
