首页 > 解决方案 > Woocommerce 将订单备注添加到失败的订单管理员电子邮件


我需要将 woocommerce 中的特定订单注释添加到发送给管理员的失败订单电子邮件中。

我在 functions.php 中使用以下代码,它可以工作 - 除了它将所有评论放在电子邮件中。


处理付款时出错。原因:处理器被拒绝 - 可能是被盗的卡

下面是我正在使用的代码 - 我如何使它过滤并仅添加那些包含文本“错误处理付款”而不发送所有评论的注释?

// Add comments to Failed order emails

add_action( 'woocommerce_email_order_meta', 'woo_add_order_notes_to_email', 10, 3 );
function woo_add_order_notes_to_email( $order, $sent_to_admin = true, $plain_text = 
false ) {

// You want to send those only to the Admin
if ( ! $sent_to_admin ) {

// You can also check which email you are sending, by checking the order status
// Optional, comment it out, if not needed
if ( 'failed' != $order->get_status() ) {
    // Will end execution, with everything other than the completed order email.

$notes = array();

$args = array(
    'post_id' => $order->id,
    'approve' => 'approve',
    'type' => '' // You don't need type as orders get only order notes as comments.

// Remove the filter excluding the comments from queries
remove_filter( 'comments_clauses', array( 'WC_Comments', 'exclude_order_comments' ) );

// You get all notes for the order /public and private/
$notes = get_comments( $args );

// Add the filter again.
add_filter( 'comments_clauses', array( 'WC_Comments', 'exclude_order_comments' ) );

echo '<h4 style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:120%;line-height:110%;color:red;">IMPORTANT Order Notes</h4>';
echo '<ul class="order_notes">';
if ( $notes ) {
    foreach( $notes as $note ) {
        $note_classes = get_comment_meta( $note->comment_ID, 'is_customer_note', true ) ? array( 'customer-note', 'note' ) : array( 'note' );
        <li rel="<?php echo absint($note->comment_ID); ?>" class="<?php echo implode(' ', $note_classes); ?>">
            <div class="note_content">
                <?php echo wpautop( wptexturize( wp_kses_post( $note->comment_content ) ) ); ?>
} else {
    echo '<li class="no-order-comment">There are no order notes</li>';
echo '</ul>';


标签: phpwoocommerce


您可以使用该函数根据特定的订单 idwc_get_order_notes获取所有注释。


  • limit作为一个空字段(没有限制)
  • order_id要获取注释的订单 ID

最后,您可以使用 PHPstrpos函数检查计数是否包含字符串"Error processing payment"

// Add comments to Failed order emails
add_action( 'woocommerce_email_order_meta', 'woo_add_order_notes_to_email', 10, 4 );
function woo_add_order_notes_to_email( $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text, $email ) {

    // You want to send those only to the Admin
    if ( ! $sent_to_admin ) {

    // You can also check which email you are sending, by checking the order status
    // Optional, comment it out, if not needed
    if ( 'failed' != $order->get_status() ) {
        // Will end execution, with everything other than the completed order email.

    // Get the admin order notes
    $args = array(
        'limit'    => '',
        'order_id' => $order->get_id(),
    $notes = wc_get_order_notes( $args );

    // If there are no notes
    if ( empty($notes) ) {
        echo '<li class="no-order-comment">There are no order notes</li>';

    echo '<h4 style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:120%;line-height:110%;color:red;">IMPORTANT Order Notes</h4>';
    echo '<ul class="order_notes">';
    foreach( $notes as $note ) {
        // Print only the note containing the string "Error processing payment"
        if ( strpos( $note->content, 'Error processing payment' ) !== false ) {
            $note_classes = $note->customer_note ? array( 'customer-note', 'note' ) : array( 'note' );
            <li rel="<?php echo absint($note->id); ?>" class="<?php echo implode(' ', $note_classes); ?>">
                <div class="note_content">
                    <?php echo wpautop( wptexturize( wp_kses_post( $note->content ) ) ); ?>
    echo '</ul>';

