首页 > 解决方案 > C ++中基于文本的战斗系统无法正常工作,不知道为什么


所以我尝试制作一个基于文本的小战斗系统,但它有点坏了......我想知道是否有人可以帮助我找出原因?我尝试使用变量和简单的数学算法使其尽可能易于运行,但它只是在玩家 2 轮到后不断重置。它还播放“你无法治愈!” (玩家 2 的回合)消息,即使玩家没有治愈。我检查了几次括号,以及我的调试器,但是它说一切都很好。我不确定问题是什么,所以如果有人能指出它会很棒。提前致谢!


using namespace std

int varset()
    string ChoiceTeamA;
    string ChoiceTeamB;
    bool Atk1 = false;
    bool Atk2 = false;
    int health = health;
    int health1 = health1;
int main() {    
    cout << "player 1 turn - choose what to do" << endl;
    cout << "Player 1's health is " << health << " and Player 2's health is " << health1 << endl;
    cout << "A. Attack" << endl;
    cout << "B. Heal Magic" << endl;
    getline(cin, ChoiceTeamA);
    if (ChoiceTeamA == "A")
                string ChoiceTeamA = "c";
                   bool Atk1 = false;
                   cout << "Player 1 attacked! Player 2's health is now " << health1 << endl;
    if (ChoiceTeamA == "B")
            string ChoiceTeamA = "0";
            if (health < 5)
                 cout << "Player 1 healed! Player 1's health is now " << health;
                    cout << "You can't heal!" << endl;

    cout << "." << endl;
     cout << "player 2 turn - choose what to do" << endl;
     cout << "Player 1's health is " << health << " and Player 2's health is " << health1 << endl;
    cout << "A. Attack" << endl;
    cout << "B. Heal Magic" << endl;
    getline(cin, ChoiceTeamB);
    if (ChoiceTeamB == "A")
        string ChoiceTeamB = "c";
                string ChoiceTeamA = "c";
                   bool Atk2 = false;
                   cout << "Player 2 attacked! Player 1's health is now " << health << endl;

    if (ChoiceTeamB == "B")
            string ChoiceTeamA = "c";
            if (health < 5)
                  cout << "Player 2 healed! Player 2's health is now " << health1;
            if (health = 5)
                 cout << "You can't heal!" << endl;
                 cout << "." << endl;

if (health = 0)
        cout << "Player 2 wins!!!";
        return 0;
if (health1 = 0)
        cout << "Player 1 wins!!!";
        return 0;

    return main();

标签: c++


I fixed your code, but remember a few things next time:

  • Remember to use good formatting
  • main() cannot be called in your code
  • == is for comparisons and = is for assignments.

Note the use of reference parameters in the turn function.

Don't stop learning. :)

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void turn(int playerNum, string choice, int& healthATK, int& healthDEF) {
  int othPlayerNum = 0;
  if(playerNum == 1) 
    othPlayerNum = 2;
    othPlayerNum = 1;
  cout << "Player " << playerNum << " turn - choose what to do" << endl;
  cout << "Player " << playerNum << "'s health is " << healthATK << " and Player " << othPlayerNum <<"'s health is " << healthDEF << endl;
  cout << "A. Attack" << endl;
  cout << "B. Heal Magic" << endl;
  getline(cin, choice);
  if (choice == "A") {
    bool Atk1 = false;
    cout << "Player " << playerNum << " attacked! Player " << othPlayerNum << "'s health is now " << healthDEF << endl;
  if (choice == "B") {
    if (healthATK < 5) {
      cout << "Player " << playerNum << " healed! Player " << playerNum << "'s health is now " << healthATK << endl;
      cout << "You can't heal!" << endl;

void play() {
  string ChoiceTeamA;
  string ChoiceTeamB;
  bool Atk1 = false;
  bool Atk2 = false;
  int health = 10;
  int health1 = 10;
  while(true) {
    turn(1, ChoiceTeamA, health, health1);
    turn(2, ChoiceTeamB, health1, health);

    if (health <= 0) {
      cout << "Player 2 wins!!!";
    if (health1 <= 0) {
      cout << "Player 1 wins!!!";

int main() {
  return 0;
