首页 > 解决方案 > 如何创建一个包含对 Haskell 中另一个列表的每个项目的计算的列表?


我正在尝试制作一个函数来计算(然后输出为String)列表中两个元素之间的差异 - 第一个和第二个,然后是第二个和第三个,依此类推 - 我想我给它一个很好的去,但我目前一直遇到错误 whack-a-mole,我已将当前错误放在下面,但首先是强制性代码转储:

type Name = String
type Coordinates = (Int, Int)
type Pop = Int
type TotalPop = [Pop]
type City = (Name, (Coordinates, TotalPop))

testData :: [City]
testData = [("New York City", ((1,1), [5, 4, 3, 2])),
           ("Washingotn DC", ((3,3), [3, 2, 1, 1])),
           ("Los Angeles", ((2,2), [7, 7, 7, 5]))]

getPopGrowth :: [City] -> Name -> String
getPopGrowth cs name = concat
    [getPercentages z ++ "\n" | (x,z) <- maybeToList (lookup name cs)] where
    getPercentages z = unwords (map show z1) ++ "% " where
        z1 = percentageIncrease z

percentageIncrease :: [Int] -> [Float]
percentageIncrease (x:xs)
    | length (x:xs) > 2 = percentageIncrease (tail xs)
    | otherwise = (a / b - 1) * 100.0 where
        a = fromIntegral x :: Float
        b = fromIntegral (head xs) :: Float


    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[Float]’ with actual type ‘Float’
    • In the expression: (a / b - 1) * 100.0
      In an equation for ‘percentageIncrease’:
          percentageIncrease (x : xs)
            | length (x : xs) > 2 = percentageIncrease (tail xs)
            | otherwise = (a / b - 1) * 100.0
                a = fromIntegral x :: Float
                b = fromIntegral (head xs) :: Float
92 |     | otherwise = (a / b - 1) * 100.0 where
   |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

我想强调一下,我理解错误,但我不知道如何解决它以使我获得所需的函数结果。只是为了清楚我正在尝试做的事情。输入:getPopGrowth testData "New York City" 应该输出:25% 33.333% 50%

标签: listhaskellalgebraic-data-typescustom-function


到目前为止,您只计算列表仅剩下两个元素时的百分比。较少的元素未被覆盖,对于较长的列表,在之前的所有步骤中,元素将被删除而无需进一步操作。但是,在最后一步中,您返回单个 Float 而不是列表。


percentageIncrease :: [Int] -> [Float]
percentageIncrease [] = []
percentageIncrease (x:[]) = []
percentageIncrease (x:y:xs) = ((a / b - 1) * 100.0) : percentageIncrease (y:xs) where
                                a = fromIntegral x :: Float
                                b = fromIntegral y :: Float


*Main> getPopGrowth testData "New York City"
"25.0 33.333336 50.0% \n"
