首页 > 解决方案 > SpeechBrain:带有 csv 的 dataio_prepare 函数


我目前正在关注 ASRfromScratch 教程,但我正在尝试使其与 Fluent Speech Dataset https://fluent.ai/fluent-speech-commands-a-dataset-for-spoken-language-understanding-research/一起使用。我能够毫无问题地通过 Tokenizer 部分和 Language Model 部分,但我正在努力处理 SpeechRecognizer 部分。我修改了 dataio_prepare 函数,但我不确定它是否是正确的方法:

    """This function prepares the datasets to be used in the brain class.
    It also defines the data processing pipeline through user-defined functions.

    hparams : dict
        This dictionary is loaded from the `train.yaml` file, and it includes
        all the hyperparameters needed for dataset construction and loading.

    datasets : dict
        Dictionary containing "train", "valid", and "test" keys that correspond
        to the DynamicItemDataset objects.
    # Define audio pipeline. In this case, we simply read the path contained
    # in the variable wav with the audio reader.
    def audio_pipeline(path):
        """Load the audio signal. This is done on the CPU in the `collate_fn`."""
        sig = sb.dataio.dataio.read_audio('../fluent_speech_commands_dataset/' + path)
        return sig

    # Define text processing pipeline. We start from the raw text and then
    # encode it using the tokenizer. The tokens with BOS are used for feeding
    # decoder during training, the tokens with EOS for computing the cost function.
    # The tokens without BOS or EOS is for computing CTC loss.
        "words", "tokens_list", "tokens_bos", "tokens_eos", "tokens"
    def text_pipeline(transcription):
        """Processes the transcriptions to generate proper labels"""
        yield transcription
        tokens_list = hparams["tokenizer"].encode_as_ids(transcription)
        yield tokens_list
        tokens_bos = torch.LongTensor([hparams["bos_index"]] + (tokens_list))
        yield tokens_bos
        tokens_eos = torch.LongTensor(tokens_list + [hparams["eos_index"]])
        yield tokens_eos
        tokens = torch.LongTensor(tokens_list)
        yield tokens

    # Define datasets from json data manifest file
    # Define datasets sorted by ascending lengths for efficiency
    datasets = {}
    data_folder = hparams["data_folder"]
    for dataset in ["train", "valid", "test"]:
        datasets[dataset] = sb.dataio.dataset.DynamicItemDataset.from_csv(
            csv_path = hparams[f"{dataset}_annotation"],
            replacements={"data_root": data_folder},
            dynamic_items=[audio_pipeline, text_pipeline],
        hparams[f"{dataset}_dataloader_opts"]["shuffle"] = False

    # Sorting training data with ascending order makes the code  much
    # faster  because we minimize zero-padding. In most of the cases, this
    # does not harm the performance.
    if hparams["sorting"] == "ascending":
        datasets["train"] = datasets["train"].filtered_sorted(sort_key="length")
        hparams["train_dataloader_opts"]["shuffle"] = False

    elif hparams["sorting"] == "descending":
        datasets["train"] = datasets["train"].filtered_sorted(
            sort_key="length", reverse=True
        hparams["train_dataloader_opts"]["shuffle"] = False

    elif hparams["sorting"] == "random":
        hparams["train_dataloader_opts"]["shuffle"] = True

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "sorting must be random, ascending or descending"
    return datasets

为了澄清,.csv 文件看起来像这样:

0,wavs/speakers/2BqVo8kVB2Skwgyb/0a3129c0-4474-11e9-a9a5-5dbec3b8816a.wav,2BqVo8kVB2Skwgyb,Change language,change language,none,none
2,wavs/speakers/2BqVo8kVB2Skwgyb/144d5be0-4474-11e9-a9a5-5dbec3b8816a.wav,2BqVo8kVB2Skwgyb,Turn the lights on,activate,lights,none
3,wavs/speakers/2BqVo8kVB2Skwgyb/1811b6e0-4474-11e9-a9a5-5dbec3b8816a.wav,2BqVo8kVB2Skwgyb,Switch on the lights,activate,lights,none

我还删除了与 prenaining 阶段相对应的行,因为我不知道如何使它们与我自己的数据集一起使用。



(Polette) aurelienmarchal@aurelienmarchal-X556UQ:~/Stage/Polette/speech_recognizer$ python3 train.py train.yaml --batch_size=2
../noise/rirs_noises.zip exists. Skipping download
speechbrain.core - Beginning experiment!
speechbrain.core - Experiment folder: results/CRDNN_BPE_960h_LM/42
speechbrain.core - Info: ckpt_interval_minutes arg from hparam file is used
speechbrain.core - 171.8M trainable parameters in ASR
speechbrain.utils.checkpoints - Would load a checkpoint here, but none found yet.
speechbrain.utils.epoch_loop - Going into epoch 1
  0%|                                                                                                  | 0/11566 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
speechbrain.core - Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "train.py", line 452, in <module>
  File "/home/aurelienmarchal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/speechbrain/core.py", line 1011, in fit
    for batch in t:
  File "/home/aurelienmarchal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tqdm/std.py", line 1133, in __iter__
    for obj in iterable:
  File "/home/aurelienmarchal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 517, in __next__
    data = self._next_data()
  File "/home/aurelienmarchal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 557, in _next_data
    data = self._dataset_fetcher.fetch(index)  # may raise StopIteration
  File "/home/aurelienmarchal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/fetch.py", line 47, in fetch
    return self.collate_fn(data)
  File "/home/aurelienmarchal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/speechbrain/dataio/batch.py", line 125, in __init__
    padded = PaddedData(*padding_func(values, **padding_kwargs))
  File "/home/aurelienmarchal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/speechbrain/utils/data_utils.py", line 415, in batch_pad_right
    padded, valid_percent = pad_right_to(
  File "/home/aurelienmarchal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/speechbrain/utils/data_utils.py", line 353, in pad_right_to
    valid_vals.append(tensor.shape[j] / target_shape[j])
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

另外,我的 train.yaml 看起来像这样:

# ############################################################################
# Model: E2E ASR with attention-based ASR
# Encoder: CRDNN
# Decoder: GRU + beamsearch + RNNLM
# Tokens: 500 BPE
# losses: CTC+ NLL
# Training: mini-librispeech
# Pre-Training: librispeech 960h
# Authors:  Ju-Chieh Chou, Mirco Ravanelli, Abdel Heba, Peter Plantinga, Samuele Cornell 2020
# # ############################################################################

# Seed needs to be set at top of yaml, before objects with parameters are instantiated
seed: 42
__set_seed: !apply:torch.manual_seed [!ref <seed>]

# If you plan to train a system on an HPC cluster with a big dataset,
# we strongly suggest doing the following:
# 1- Compress the dataset in a single tar or zip file.
# 2- Copy your dataset locally (i.e., the local disk of the computing node).
# 3- Uncompress the dataset in the local folder.
# 4- Set data_folder with the local path
# Reading data from the local disk of the compute node (e.g. $SLURM_TMPDIR with SLURM-based clusters) is very important.
# It allows you to read the data much faster without slowing down the shared filesystem.

data_folder: ../fluent_speech_commands_dataset # In this case, data will be automatically downloaded here.
data_folder_rirs: ../noise # noise/ris dataset will automatically be downloaded here
output_folder: !ref results/CRDNN_BPE_960h_LM/<seed>
wer_file: !ref <output_folder>/wer.txt
save_folder: !ref <output_folder>/save
train_log: !ref <output_folder>/train_log.txt

# Language model (LM) pretraining
# NB: To avoid mismatch, the speech recognizer must be trained with the same
# tokenizer used for LM training. Here, we download everything from the
# speechbrain HuggingFace repository. However, a local path pointing to a
# directory containing the lm.ckpt and tokenizer.ckpt may also be specified
# instead. E.g if you want to use your own LM / tokenizer.
pretrained_path: ../language_model/results/RNNLM/save/CKPT+2021-05-12+15-27-08+00/

# Path where data manifest files will be stored. The data manifest files are created by the
# data preparation script
train_annotation: ../fluent_speech_commands_dataset/data/train_data.csv
valid_annotation: ../fluent_speech_commands_dataset/data/valid_data.csv
test_annotation: ../fluent_speech_commands_dataset/data/test_data.csv

# The train logger writes training statistics to a file, as well as stdout.
train_logger: !new:speechbrain.utils.train_logger.FileTrainLogger
    save_file: !ref <train_log>

# Training parameters
number_of_epochs: 15
number_of_ctc_epochs: 5
batch_size: 8
lr: 1.0
ctc_weight: 0.5
sorting: random
ckpt_interval_minutes: 15 # save checkpoint every N min
label_smoothing: 0.1

# Dataloader options
    batch_size: !ref <batch_size>

    batch_size: !ref <batch_size>

    batch_size: !ref <batch_size>

# Feature parameters
sample_rate: 16000
n_fft: 400
n_mels: 40

# Model parameters
activation: !name:torch.nn.LeakyReLU
dropout: 0.15
cnn_blocks: 2
cnn_channels: (128, 256)
inter_layer_pooling_size: (2, 2)
cnn_kernelsize: (3, 3)
time_pooling_size: 4
rnn_class: !name:speechbrain.nnet.RNN.LSTM
rnn_layers: 4
rnn_neurons: 1024
rnn_bidirectional: True
dnn_blocks: 2
dnn_neurons: 512
emb_size: 128
dec_neurons: 1024
output_neurons: 500  # Number of tokens (same as LM)
blank_index: 0
bos_index: 0
eos_index: 0
unk_index: 0

# Decoding parameters
min_decode_ratio: 0.0
max_decode_ratio: 1.0
valid_beam_size: 8
test_beam_size: 80
eos_threshold: 1.5
using_max_attn_shift: True
max_attn_shift: 240
lm_weight: 0.50
ctc_weight_decode: 0.0
coverage_penalty: 1.5
temperature: 1.25
temperature_lm: 1.25

# The first object passed to the Brain class is this "Epoch Counter"
# which is saved by the Checkpointer so that training can be resumed
# if it gets interrupted at any point.
epoch_counter: !new:speechbrain.utils.epoch_loop.EpochCounter
    limit: !ref <number_of_epochs>

# Feature extraction
compute_features: !new:speechbrain.lobes.features.Fbank
    sample_rate: !ref <sample_rate>
    n_fft: !ref <n_fft>
    n_mels: !ref <n_mels>

# Feature normalization (mean and std)
normalize: !new:speechbrain.processing.features.InputNormalization
    norm_type: global

# Added noise and reverb come from OpenRIR dataset, automatically
# downloaded and prepared with this Environmental Corruption class.
env_corrupt: !new:speechbrain.lobes.augment.EnvCorrupt
    openrir_folder: !ref <data_folder_rirs>
    babble_prob: 0.0
    reverb_prob: 0.0
    noise_prob: 1.0
    noise_snr_low: 0
    noise_snr_high: 15

# Adds speech change + time and frequency dropouts (time-domain implementation).
augmentation: !new:speechbrain.lobes.augment.TimeDomainSpecAugment
    sample_rate: !ref <sample_rate>
    speeds: [95, 100, 105]

# The CRDNN model is an encoder that combines CNNs, RNNs, and DNNs.
encoder: !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.CRDNN.CRDNN
    input_shape: [null, null, !ref <n_mels>]
    activation: !ref <activation>
    dropout: !ref <dropout>
    cnn_blocks: !ref <cnn_blocks>
    cnn_channels: !ref <cnn_channels>
    cnn_kernelsize: !ref <cnn_kernelsize>
    inter_layer_pooling_size: !ref <inter_layer_pooling_size>
    time_pooling: True
    using_2d_pooling: False
    time_pooling_size: !ref <time_pooling_size>
    rnn_class: !ref <rnn_class>
    rnn_layers: !ref <rnn_layers>
    rnn_neurons: !ref <rnn_neurons>
    rnn_bidirectional: !ref <rnn_bidirectional>
    rnn_re_init: True
    dnn_blocks: !ref <dnn_blocks>
    dnn_neurons: !ref <dnn_neurons>
    use_rnnp: False

# Embedding (from indexes to an embedding space of dimension emb_size).
embedding: !new:speechbrain.nnet.embedding.Embedding
    num_embeddings: !ref <output_neurons>
    embedding_dim: !ref <emb_size>

# Attention-based RNN decoder.
decoder: !new:speechbrain.nnet.RNN.AttentionalRNNDecoder
    enc_dim: !ref <dnn_neurons>
    input_size: !ref <emb_size>
    rnn_type: gru
    attn_type: location
    hidden_size: !ref <dec_neurons>
    attn_dim: 1024
    num_layers: 1
    scaling: 1.0
    channels: 10
    kernel_size: 100
    re_init: True
    dropout: !ref <dropout>

# Linear transformation on the top of the encoder.
ctc_lin: !new:speechbrain.nnet.linear.Linear
    input_size: !ref <dnn_neurons>
    n_neurons: !ref <output_neurons>

# Linear transformation on the top of the decoder.
seq_lin: !new:speechbrain.nnet.linear.Linear
    input_size: !ref <dec_neurons>
    n_neurons: !ref <output_neurons>

# Final softmax (for log posteriors computation).
log_softmax: !new:speechbrain.nnet.activations.Softmax
    apply_log: True

# Cost definition for the CTC part.
ctc_cost: !name:speechbrain.nnet.losses.ctc_loss
    blank_index: !ref <blank_index>

# Tokenizer initialization
tokenizer: !new:sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor

# Objects in "modules" dict will have their parameters moved to the correct
# device, as well as having train()/eval() called on them by the Brain class
    encoder: !ref <encoder>
    embedding: !ref <embedding>
    decoder: !ref <decoder>
    ctc_lin: !ref <ctc_lin>
    seq_lin: !ref <seq_lin>
    normalize: !ref <normalize>
    env_corrupt: !ref <env_corrupt>
    lm_model: !ref <lm_model>

# Gathering all the submodels in a single model object.
model: !new:torch.nn.ModuleList
    - - !ref <encoder>
      - !ref <embedding>
      - !ref <decoder>
      - !ref <ctc_lin>
      - !ref <seq_lin>

# This is the RNNLM that is used according to the Huggingface repository
# NB: It has to match the pre-trained RNNLM!!
lm_model: !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.RNNLM.RNNLM
    output_neurons: !ref <output_neurons>
    embedding_dim: !ref <emb_size>
    activation: !name:torch.nn.LeakyReLU
    dropout: 0.0
    rnn_layers: 2
    rnn_neurons: 2048
    dnn_blocks: 1
    dnn_neurons: 512
    return_hidden: True  # For inference

# Beamsearch is applied on the top of the decoder. If the language model is
# given, a language model is applied (with a weight specified in lm_weight).
# If ctc_weight is set, the decoder uses CTC + attention beamsearch. This
# improves the performance, but slows down decoding. For a description of
# the other parameters, please see the speechbrain.decoders.S2SRNNBeamSearchLM.

# It makes sense to have a lighter search during validation. In this case,
# we don't use the LM and CTC probabilities during decoding.
valid_search: !new:speechbrain.decoders.S2SRNNBeamSearcher
    embedding: !ref <embedding>
    decoder: !ref <decoder>
    linear: !ref <seq_lin>
    ctc_linear: !ref <ctc_lin>
    bos_index: !ref <bos_index>
    eos_index: !ref <eos_index>
    blank_index: !ref <blank_index>
    min_decode_ratio: !ref <min_decode_ratio>
    max_decode_ratio: !ref <max_decode_ratio>
    beam_size: !ref <valid_beam_size>
    eos_threshold: !ref <eos_threshold>
    using_max_attn_shift: !ref <using_max_attn_shift>
    max_attn_shift: !ref <max_attn_shift>
    coverage_penalty: !ref <coverage_penalty>
    temperature: !ref <temperature>

# The final decoding on the test set can be more computationally demanding.
# In this case, we use the LM + CTC probabilities during decoding as well.
# Please, remove this part if you need a faster decoder.
test_search: !new:speechbrain.decoders.S2SRNNBeamSearchLM
    embedding: !ref <embedding>
    decoder: !ref <decoder>
    linear: !ref <seq_lin>
    ctc_linear: !ref <ctc_lin>
    language_model: !ref <lm_model>
    bos_index: !ref <bos_index>
    eos_index: !ref <eos_index>
    blank_index: !ref <blank_index>
    min_decode_ratio: !ref <min_decode_ratio>
    max_decode_ratio: !ref <max_decode_ratio>
    beam_size: !ref <test_beam_size>
    eos_threshold: !ref <eos_threshold>
    using_max_attn_shift: !ref <using_max_attn_shift>
    max_attn_shift: !ref <max_attn_shift>
    coverage_penalty: !ref <coverage_penalty>
    lm_weight: !ref <lm_weight>
    ctc_weight: !ref <ctc_weight_decode>
    temperature: !ref <temperature>
    temperature_lm: !ref <temperature_lm>

# This function manages learning rate annealing over the epochs.
# We here use the NewBoB algorithm, that anneals the learning rate if
# the improvements over two consecutive epochs is less than the defined
# threshold.
lr_annealing: !new:speechbrain.nnet.schedulers.NewBobScheduler
    initial_value: !ref <lr>
    improvement_threshold: 0.0025
    annealing_factor: 0.8
    patient: 0

# This optimizer will be constructed by the Brain class after all parameters
# are moved to the correct device. Then it will be added to the checkpointer.
opt_class: !name:torch.optim.Adadelta
    lr: !ref <lr>
    rho: 0.95
    eps: 1.e-8

# Functions that compute the statistics to track during the validation step.
error_rate_computer: !name:speechbrain.utils.metric_stats.ErrorRateStats

cer_computer: !name:speechbrain.utils.metric_stats.ErrorRateStats
    split_tokens: True

# This object is used for saving the state of training both so that it
# can be resumed if it gets interrupted, and also so that the best checkpoint
# can be later loaded for evaluation or inference.
checkpointer: !new:speechbrain.utils.checkpoints.Checkpointer
    checkpoints_dir: !ref <save_folder>
        model: !ref <model>
        scheduler: !ref <lr_annealing>
        normalizer: !ref <normalize>
        counter: !ref <epoch_counter>

# This object is used to pretrain the language model and the tokenizers
# (defined above). In this case, we also pretrain the ASR model (to make
# sure the model converges on a small amount of data)
#pretrainer: !new:speechbrain.utils.parameter_transfer.Pretrainer
#    collect_in: !ref <save_folder>
#    loadables:
#        lm: !ref <lm_model>
#        tokenizer: !ref <tokenizer>
#        model: !ref <model>
#    paths:
#        lm: !ref <pretrained_path>/lm.ckpt
#        tokenizer: !ref <pretrained_path>/tokenizer.ckpt
#        model: !ref <pretrained_path>/asr.ckpt

而已 !如果您对如何执行此操作有想法,或者您对 SpeechBrain 库感到满意,请让我现在!感谢您阅读我的帖子

标签: pythonpytorchspeech-recognitionpytorch-dataloader



我试图用 LibriSpeech Bengali 数据集训练模型。就我而言,问题出在标记器上。在text_pipeline这一行中,我们从 YAML 文件中调用标记器:tokens_list = hparams["tokenizer"].encode_as_ids(transcription). 我们也在解码时调用它。现在,如果您查看 YAML 文件。您会发现标记器是:sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor. 因此,这不使用.model在训练标记器期间创建的文件。结果,它在标记化时创建了空列表。因此target_shape[j]成为0并导致ZeroDivisionError. 所以,我修改text_pipeline如下:

import sentencepiece

def text_pipeline(words):
    yield words
    tokenizer = sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor(model_file=hparams['tokenizer_model'])
    tokens_list = tokenizer.encode_as_ids(words)
    yield tokens_list
    tokens_bos = torch.LongTensor([hparams["bos_index"]] + (tokens_list))
    yield tokens_bos
    tokens_eos = torch.LongTensor(tokens_list + [hparams["eos_index"]])
    yield tokens_eos
    tokens = torch.LongTensor(tokens_list)
    yield tokens

在 YAML 文件中,我.modeltokenizer_model字段中指出了文件的路径,如下所示:

tokenizer_model: path/to/1000_unigram.model



这些行将创建一个指向您的语言模型.ckpt文件的符号链接。但是您不需要为 ASR 和标记器加载预训练的模型。所以更改以下块:

pretrainer: !new:speechbrain.utils.parameter_transfer.Pretrainer
    collect_in: !ref <save_folder>
        lm: !ref <lm_model>
        tokenizer: !ref <tokenizer>
        model: !ref <model>
        lm: !ref <pretrained_path>/lm.ckpt
        tokenizer: !ref <pretrained_path>/tokenizer.ckpt
        model: !ref <pretrained_path>/asr.ckpt


pretrainer: !new:speechbrain.utils.parameter_transfer.Pretrainer
    collect_in: !ref <save_folder>
        lm: !ref <lm_model>
        lm: path/to/language/model.ckpt

但是,如果您想使用预训练的 ASR 模型和/或标记器,您可以相应地更改此块。

