首页 > 解决方案 > TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性“地图”(React JS)


我正在创建一个递归函数,它应该遍历对象类型 ItemType,所以我遇到了一个错误,这个:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined


import React, { useState } from "react";

type ItemType = {
  id: Number;
  title: String;
  children: Array<Number>;

// Each "ItemType" element in the array have a array of children ID's. These refer
// to a ItemType.
// = This has a infinite depth.
const items: ItemType[] = [
  { id: 1, title: "Item 1", children: [2, 3, 4] },
  { id: 2, title: "Item 2", children: [1, 3, 4] },
  { id: 3, title: "Item 3", children: [1, 2, 4] },
  { id: 4, title: "Item 3", children: [1, 2, 3] }

function Item({ title, children }: ItemType): JSX.Element {
  const [open, toggle] = useState(false);

  // Given the children array with IDs, find each Item we refer to
  const childElements = children.map(findChild) as ItemType[];

  return (
        {title} children <button onClick={() => toggle(!open)}>Open</button>
        {/* Loop children and run recursive */}
        {open &&
          childElements.map((child: ItemType) => (
              <div>Child: {child.title}</div>
              <Item {...child} />

function App() {
  return (
      {/* Start by iterating over all items */}
      {items.map(item => (
        <Item {...item} />

// Function to find a Item by child id.
function findChild(childId: Number): ItemType | undefined {
  return items.find(({ id }) => id === childId);

export default App;

它的代码尝试遍历对象类型 ItemType 并找到每个 Item 的每个子项,当它找到某个子项时它是真的并且应该显示或者当它没有找到某个子项时是错误的,它的代码创建就像一个项目树和在视图中显示,我做错了什么?

标签: reactjstypescripttsx


children包含至少一个存在于items数组中的 id。如果不是,那么children.map()可能会返回 undefined ,它将被分配给childElements. 在这种情况下,childElements.map会给出错误map of undefined。因为 childElements 是未定义的并且trying to access map from undefined is not possible.
