首页 > 解决方案 > ValueError('需要至少一个数组来堆叠')



  _worker_loop 中的文件“/home/yzx/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/worker.py”,第 202 行
    数据 = fetcher.fetch(index)
  文件“/home/yzx/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/fetch.py​​”,第 44 行,在 fetch
    data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possible_batched_index]
  文件“/home/yzx/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/fetch.py​​”,第 44 行,在
    data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possible_batched_index]
  文件“/home/yzx/lunwen/PseudoBinaural_CVPR2021-master/data/Augment_dataset.py”,第 66 行,在 __getitem__
    data_ret, data_ret_sep = self._get_pseudo_item(index)
  文件“/home/yzx/lunwen/PseudoBinaural_CVPR2021-master/data/Pseudo_dataset.py”,第 263 行,在 _get_pseudo_item
    立体声 = self.construct_stereo_ambi(pst_sources)
  文件“/home/yzx/lunwen/PseudoBinaural_CVPR2021-master/data/Pseudo_dataset.py”,第 120 行,在construct_stereo_ambi
    信号 = np.stack([src.signal for src in pst_sources], axis=1) # 信号形状:[Len,​​ n_signals]
  文件“”,第 5 行,在堆栈中
  堆栈中的文件“/home/yzx/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/shape_base.py”,第 423 行
    raise ValueError('需要至少一个数组来堆叠')

下面的list_samlple_file 就是train.txt 的内容。每一行与第一行“/home/yzx/lunwen/datasets/FAIR-PLAY/binaural_audios/000383.wav,/home/yzx/lunwen/datasets/FAIR-PLAY/frames/000383”的格式相同。前一个路径是每个音频的路径,后一个是每个视频的帧的文件夹。我在每10秒的视频中每秒提取10帧。它们在Psedo_dataset.py中拆分为'audio_file'和'img_folder' .我检查了这条路径是真的。但我不知道为什么会产生错误。我需要你的帮助。

clss Augment_dataset.py 的内容是:

class AugmentDataset(StereoDataset, PseudoDataset):
    def __init__(self, opt, list_sample_file):
        self.opt = opt
        PseudoDataset.__init__(self, opt, list_sample_file)
        StereoDataset.__init__(self, opt)

        if "MUSIC" in self.opt.datalist:
            dup_times = 1 
            print("dup_times:", dup_times)
            dup_times = 2 
            print("dup_times:", dup_times)
        self.total_samples *= dup_times # in order to align with the length of FAIR-Play dataset


    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if random.uniform(0,1) < self.opt.pseudo_ratio:
            data_ret, data_ret_sep = self._get_pseudo_item(index)
            data_ret = self._get_stereo_item(index)
            _, data_ret_sep = self._get_pseudo_item(index)

        return data_ret

    def __len__(self):
        return min(len(self.audios), len(self.total_samples))

    def name(self):
        return 'AugmentDataset'

Psedo_dataset.py 的内容是:

def audio_normalize(samples, desired_rms = 0.1, eps = 1e-4):
    rms = np.maximum(eps, np.sqrt(np.mean(samples**2)))
    samples = samples * (desired_rms / rms)
    return rms / desired_rms, samples

def generate_spectrogram(audio):
    spectro = librosa.core.stft(audio, n_fft=512, hop_length=160, win_length=400, center=True)
    real = np.expand_dims(np.real(spectro), axis=0)
    imag = np.expand_dims(np.imag(spectro), axis=0)
    spectro_two_channel = np.concatenate((real, imag), axis=0)
    return spectro_two_channel

def process_image(image, augment, square=False):
    if square:
        iH, iW = 240, 240
        H, W = 224, 224
        iH, iW = 240, 480
        H, W = 224, 448
    image = mmcv.imresize(image, (iW,iH))
    h,w,_ = image.shape
    w_offset = w - W 
    h_offset = h - H 
    left = random.randrange(0, w_offset + 1)
    upper = random.randrange(0, h_offset + 1)
    image = mmcv.imcrop(image, np.array([left, upper, left+W-1, upper+H-1]))

    if augment:
        enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(Image.fromarray(image))
        image = enhancer.enhance(random.random()*0.6 + 0.7)
        enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(image)
        image = enhancer.enhance(random.random()*0.6 + 0.7)
    return image

class PseudoDataset(data.Dataset):
    def __init__(self, opt, list_sample_file):

        self.opt = opt
        self.total_samples = mmcv.list_from_file(list_sample_file)

        normalize = transforms.Normalize(
        mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
        std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
        vision_transform_list = [transforms.ToTensor(), normalize]
        self.vision_transform = transforms.Compose(vision_transform_list)


        # load background, just one large-sizeimage
        self.bkg_img = mmcv.imread('./data/bkg.png')

        # build binauralizer
        hrtf_dir = "./data/subject03" 
        # binauralizer = SourceBinauralizer(use_hrtfs=True, cipic_dir=hrtf_dir)
        self.hrir_db = CIPIC_HRIR(hrtf_dir)
        # encode to ambisonics, and then stereo
        speakers_phi = (2. * np.arange(2*4) / float(2*4) - 1.) * np.pi
        self.speakers_pos = [Position(phi, 0, 1, 'polar') for phi in speakers_phi]
        self.sph_mat = spherical_harmonics_matrix(self.speakers_pos, max_order=1) # shape: [N_array_speakers, 4]

        # parameter of loading audio 
        self.exp_audio_len = int(self.opt.audio_length * self.opt.audio_sampling_rate)
        #print("Now load {} box info".format(self.opt.mode))
        #self.box_info = mmcv.load('./dataset/ASMR/scripts/results/{}_box_info.pkl'.format(self.opt.mode))

        if opt.fov == '1/3':
            self.fov = 1/3.
        elif opt.fov == '1/2':
            self.fov = 1/2.
        elif opt.fov == '5/6':
            self.fov = 5/6.
        elif opt.fov == '1':
            self.fov = 1. 
            self.fov = 2/3.

        #self.categories = ['acoustic_guitar', 'banjo', 'bass', 'cello', 'drum', 'harp', 'piano', 'trumpet', 'ukelele']

    def construct_stereo_direct(self, pst_sources):
        stereo = np.zeros((2, self.exp_audio_len))
        for src in pst_sources:
            left_hrir, right_hrir = self.hrir_db.get_closest(src.position)[1:]
            left_signal = np.convolve(src.signal, np.flip(left_hrir, axis=0), 'valid')
            right_signal = np.convolve(src.signal, np.flip(right_hrir, axis=0), 'valid')

            n_valid, i_start = left_signal.shape[0], left_hrir.shape[0] - 1
            stereo[0, i_start:(i_start + n_valid)] += left_signal
            stereo[1, i_start:(i_start + n_valid)] += right_signal

        return stereo

    def construct_stereo_ambi(self, pst_sources):
        # encode to ambisonics
        Y = spherical_harmonics_matrix([src.position for src in pst_sources], max_order=1) # Y shape: [n_signals, 4] 
        signals = np.stack([src.signal for src in pst_sources], axis=1) # signals shape: [Len, n_signals]
        ambisonic = np.dot(signals, Y) # shape: [Len, 4]

        array_speakers_sound = np.dot(ambisonic, self.sph_mat.T)
        #array_speakers_sound = np.dot(ambisonic, np.linalg.pinv(self.sph_mat))
        array_sources = [PositionalSource(array_speakers_sound[:, i], speaker_pos, \
            self.opt.audio_sampling_rate) for i, speaker_pos in enumerate(self.speakers_pos)]

        return self.construct_stereo_direct(array_sources)

    def construct_stereo_ambi_direct(self, pst_sources):
        # encode to ambisonics
        Y = spherical_harmonics_matrix([src.position for src in pst_sources], max_order=1) 
        signals = np.stack([src.signal for src in pst_sources], axis=1)
        ambisonic = np.dot(signals, Y) # shape: [Len, 4]

        stereo = np.stack((
            ambisonic[:, 0] / 2 + ambisonic[:, 1] / 2,
            ambisonic[:, 0] / 2 - ambisonic[:, 1] / 2

        return stereo

    def _get_pseudo_item(self, index):        
        # ensure the number of audios in a scene
        N = np.random.choice([1,2,3], p=[0.4, 0.5, 0.1])
        chosen_samples = [self.total_samples[index]]
        # avoid repeat sample
        for _ in range(1, N):
            while True:
                new_sample = random.choice(self.total_samples)
                if new_sample not in chosen_samples:

        audio_margin = 0
        init_H = 360
        init_W = 640
        pst_sources = []

        if self.opt.not_use_background:
            cur_bkg_img = np.zeros((init_H, init_W, 3)).astype(np.uint8) 
            # crop background img, exp_shape: [init_H, init_W, 3]
            bkg_start_x = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.bkg_img.shape[1] - init_W)
            bkg_start_y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.bkg_img.shape[0] - init_H)
            cur_bkg_img = mmcv.imcrop(self.bkg_img.copy(), 
                np.array([bkg_start_x, bkg_start_y, bkg_start_x+init_W-1, bkg_start_y+init_H-1]))
            #H_bkg, W_bkg, _ = cur_bkg_img.shape

        corner_record = []
        patch_size_record = []
        center_x_record = []
        audio_list = []
        patch_list = []
        actual_N = 0
        #load audio
        for idx, chosen_sample in enumerate(chosen_samples):
            audio_file, img_folder = chosen_sample.split(',')
            # audio part
            audio, audio_rate = librosa.load(audio_file, sr=self.opt.audio_sampling_rate, mono=True)
            #randomly get a start time for the audio segment from the original clip
            audio_len = len(audio) / audio_rate
            assert audio_len - self.opt.audio_length - audio_margin > audio_margin
            audio_start_time = random.uniform(audio_margin, audio_len - self.opt.audio_length - audio_margin)
            audio_end_time = audio_start_time + self.opt.audio_length
            audio_start = int(audio_start_time * self.opt.audio_sampling_rate)
            audio_end = audio_start + self.exp_audio_len
            audio = audio[audio_start:audio_end]
            if self.opt.audio_normal:
                normalizer0, audio = audio_normalize(audio)

            # video part
            # load img **patches**, copy bkg_img and construct a new image
            # load accurate frame
            cur_img_list = natsort.natsorted(glob(osp.join(img_folder, '*.jpg')))
            # get the closest frame to the audio segment
            frame_idx = (audio_start_time + audio_end_time) / 2 * 10
            frame_idx = int(np.clip(frame_idx, 0, len(cur_img_list) - 1))
            img_file = cur_img_list[frame_idx]
            img_patch = mmcv.imread(img_file)

            if self.opt.patch_resize:
                h_patch, w_patch, _= img_patch.shape
                resize_ratio = min(1/normalizer0, init_H / h_patch, init_W / 2 / w_patch) 
                img_patch = mmcv.imrescale(img_patch, resize_ratio * random.uniform(0.8, 1))
            H_new, W_new, _ = img_patch.shape

            # just consider the overlap in the horizontal axis
            occupy_matrix = np.ones((init_W))
            # avoid cross border in x dim
            occupy_matrix[:(-W_new + 1)] = 0
            # avoid overlap
            for last_corner_x, W_last in zip(corner_record, patch_size_record):
                occupy_x = max(0, last_corner_x - W_new)
                occupy_matrix[occupy_x : last_corner_x + W_last] = 1

            # random sample position for this mono audio
            free_x_positions = np.where(occupy_matrix == 0)[0]
            if len(free_x_positions) < 2:
            actual_N += 1
            corner_x = random.choice(free_x_positions)
            corner_y = random.randint(0, init_H - H_new)
            center_y = corner_y + H_new // 2
            center_x = corner_x + W_new // 2
            azimuth = (init_W // 2 - center_x) / init_W * pi * self.fov
            elevation = (init_H // 2 - center_y) / init_H * pi / 2

            if self.opt.visualize_data:
                output_dir = 'others/dataset_visual/{:d}_{:d}'.format(N, index)
                if not osp.exists(output_dir):
                if librosa.__version__ >= '0.8.0':
                    import soundfile as sf
                    sf.write(osp.join(output_dir, '{:d}.wav'.format(idx)), audio.transpose(), audio_rate)
                    librosa.output.write_wav(osp.join(output_dir, '{:d}.wav'.format(idx)), audio, sr=audio_rate)
            pst_sources.append(PositionalSource(audio, Position(azimuth, elevation, 3, 'polar'), audio_rate))

            if self.opt.blending:
                center = (center_x, center_y)
                mask = 255 * np.ones(img_patch.shape, img_patch.dtype)
                cur_bkg_img = cv2.seamlessClone(img_patch, cur_bkg_img, mask, center, cv2.NORMAL_CLONE)
                patch_in_start_x = corner_x 
                patch_in_start_y = corner_y
                assert patch_in_start_x >= 0
                assert patch_in_start_y >= 0
                cur_bkg_img[patch_in_start_y : patch_in_start_y + H_new, patch_in_start_x : patch_in_start_x + W_new] = img_patch

        if self.opt.stereo_mode == 'direct':
            #print("use direct")
            stereo = self.construct_stereo_direct(pst_sources)
        elif self.opt.stereo_mode == 'ambisonic':
            #print("use ambisonic")
            stereo = self.construct_stereo_ambi(pst_sources)
        elif self.opt.stereo_mode == 'ambidirect':
            #print("use ambidirect")
            stereo = self.construct_stereo_ambi_direct(pst_sources)
            raise ValueError("please choose right stereo mode")

        normalizer, _ = audio_normalize(stereo[0] + stereo[1])
        stereo = stereo / normalizer
        audio_channel1, audio_channel2 = stereo
        frame = cur_bkg_img
        if self.opt.visualize_data:
            output_dir = 'others/dataset_visual/{:d}_{:d}'.format(N, index)
            if librosa.__version__ >= '0.8.0':
                import soundfile as sf
                sf.write(osp.join(output_dir, 'input_binaural.wav'), stereo.transpose(), audio_rate)
                librosa.output.write_wav(osp.join(output_dir, 'input_binaural.wav'), stereo, sr=audio_rate)
            mmcv.imwrite(frame, osp.join(output_dir, 'reference.jpg'))
        frame = process_image(frame, self.opt.enable_data_augmentation)
        frame = self.vision_transform(frame)

        #passing the spectrogram of the difference
        audio_diff_spec = torch.FloatTensor(generate_spectrogram(audio_channel1 - audio_channel2))
        audio_mix_spec = torch.FloatTensor(generate_spectrogram(audio_channel1 + audio_channel2))
        data_ret = {'frame': frame, 'audio_diff_spec':audio_diff_spec, 'audio_mix_spec':audio_mix_spec}

        # incorporate separation part
        assert len(patch_list) == len(audio_list)
        left_channel = np.zeros(self.exp_audio_len).astype(np.float32)
        right_channel = np.zeros(self.exp_audio_len).astype(np.float32)
        if len(audio_list) >= 2:
            for cur_audio, center_x in zip(audio_list, center_x_record):
                if center_x < init_W // 3:
                    left_channel += cur_audio
                elif center_x > init_W // 3:
                    right_channel += cur_audio
                    left_channel += cur_audio
                    right_channel += cur_audio
            _, left_channel = audio_normalize(left_channel)
            _, right_channel = audio_normalize(right_channel)
            left_channel = audio_channel1
            right_channel = audio_channel2

        if self.opt.visualize_data:
            output_dir = 'others/dataset_visual/{:d}_{:d}'.format(N, index)
            if librosa.__version__ >= '0.8.0':
                import soundfile as sf
                sf.write(osp.join(output_dir, 'gt_left.wav'), left_channel, audio_rate)
                sf.write(osp.join(output_dir, 'gt_right.wav'), right_channel, audio_rate)
                librosa.output.write_wav(osp.join(output_dir, 'gt_left.wav'), left_channel, audio_rate)
                librosa.output.write_wav(osp.join(output_dir, 'gt_right.wav'), right_channel, audio_rate)

        sep_mix_spec = audio_mix_spec
        sep_diff_spec = torch.FloatTensor(generate_spectrogram(left_channel - right_channel))
        frame_sep_list = frame

        if self.opt.mode == 'train':
            data_ret_sep = {'frame_sep': frame_sep_list, 'sep_diff_spec': sep_diff_spec, 'sep_mix_spec': sep_mix_spec}
            data_ret_sep = {'frame_sep': frame_sep_list, 'sep_diff_spec': sep_diff_spec, 'sep_mix_spec': sep_mix_spec, 'left_audio': left_channel, 'right_audio': right_channel}

        return data_ret, data_ret_sep

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        data_ret, data_ret_sep = self._get_pseudo_item(index)
        if self.opt.dataset_mode == 'Pseudo_stereo':
            return data_ret
        elif self.opt.dataset_mode == 'Pseudo_sep':
            return data_ret_sep
            return data_ret

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.total_samples)

    def name(self):
        return 'PseudoDataset'

    def initialize(self, opt):

标签: pythondeep-learningpytorchvalueerrorpytorch-dataloader



signals = np.stack([src.signal for src in pst_sources], axis=1) # signals shape: [Len, n_signals]

