首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么这个 vhdl 代码会陷入无限循环?


我正在学习 vhdl 并为 T Flip-Flop 编写了以下代码,但它陷入了无限循环。编译时我发现 q 和 q bar 将是相同的,所以我想这就是原因,但我不知道如何解决这个问题。

我的 TFF.vhd :

 library IEEE;
 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity TFF is
port (
    t : in bit;
    clk : in bit;
    q : out bit;
    q_bar : out bit
    end entity TFF;

 architecture structrial of TFF is
 signal t_q_bar,t_q,t1,t2: bit;

t1  <= (t and t_q ) and clk ;
t2  <=(t and t_q_bar) and clk;
t_q <= t1 nor t_q_bar;
t_q_bar <= t2 nor t_q;
q <= t_q;
q_bar <= t_q_bar ;
end structrial;


library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity TFF_test is
end entity TFF_test;

 architecture test of TFF_test is

component TFF is 
 port (
    t : in bit;
    clk : in bit ;
    q : out bit;
    q_bar : out bit
  end component;
  for all : TFF use entity work.TFF(structrial);
  signal t_temp :bit; 

  signal q_temp :bit;
  signal q_bar_temp :bit; 

  signal clk_temp:bit:='0';
    uut : TFF port map (t_temp,clk_temp,q_temp,q_bar_temp);
    clk_temp <= not clk_temp after 5 ns;
    t_temp <= '1' after 10 ns ,'0' after 20 ns , '1' after 30 ns , '0' after 50 ns;

    end architecture test;  

标签: vhdlflip-flop

